Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter 19


Beth’s POV:

Meg screamed at Chloey to go away and then directed everybody into the living room.

“Now that Becky has somehow… somewhat strangely… fixed the internet,” Meg said, “We need to book Chloey’s holiday.”

“One second – do we have room for three little kids – sorry, six little kids and three big kids?” I asked, receiving a text from my cousin.

“Sure, why?”

“My cousins Braden and Josh and their girlfriends need to go somewhere on really short notice, and we need to have their kids. Brady has an eight year old, Charlotte; Josh’s twins Scott and Hayley are four; Phoebe’s eleven, Monica’s thirteen and Chandler is fourteen – they’re Braden’s girlfriend’s kids – and Rachel, Ross, Jan and Joey are six.”

“So wait – two four year olds, four six year olds, an eight year old, an eleven year old, a thirteen year old and a fourteen year old?” Becky asked. “Sure.”

The other girls agreed, nodding.

“Good, they’ll be here in ten minutes.”

 Becky and Romy took off, leading a sprint to find some semi-inhabitable rooms that they could neaten up; Grace went to bake; and I went to turn on my Xbox.

“No,” Imilie said, switching it off. “You’re going to try find some things for kids to do. I just sent Gabbie and Bec out shopping, but you need to hunt around. Also make sure we aren’t being too dangerous – no forks near power plugs or anything.”

“FINE!” I got up and pretended to stomp for a bit, my combat boots making lovely loud noises on the floor.

“Stop moping around,” Imi said. “Your cousins are coming over.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and grinned, finding kids toys and putting them in the bedrooms.

Not long after, a knock on the door made Becky open it.

“Hey I’m Becky,” she said. “Woah.”

Okay, my cousin Braden isn’t bad looking – but he has a girlfriend, he’s eight years older than me and he’s my COUSIN!

“Down girl,” I said. “Becks, this is Braden and his girlfriend Valerie and Josh and his girlfriend Ashlee. This is Charlotte – hey Char! And these are Scott and Hayley.”

“This is Phoebe, Monica and Chandler,” Val said, pushing forward a sullen teenage boy, a smiling teenage girl and a bored looking preteen girl.

“And Rach, Jan, Ross and Josephine – Joey,” Ash added, showing us three identical little girls and a boy who looked similar.

“Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Janice – hang on,” Becky said.

“Yes, we know – Friends characters.”

They shared a grin and promised me that it wasn’t planned like that, although the quads were.

“Well Chloey’s just had triplets, so we’ve got a lot of people here – about twenty-three,” Romy said, sliding across the polished floor in her socks. “Hey.”


“I’m Romy,” she added.

The kids said their names briefly, and Romy nodded cluelessly.

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