Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

A/N: Imi and Jake, I am sorry and none of this is true.

Jake’s POV:

Gabbie and the girls left, and I glared at Imilie.

“What did I ever do to you?”

“Never mind, okay? Just don’t talk to me, and move out, and it will all be fine!”

“No, Imi! You heard Gabbie, and you saw Becky – we have to sort this, whatever it is, out! What have I done? What did I do to you?”

She stayed quiet and I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “Imi?”

“I’m going to go – do something,” she said, running upstairs. I groaned and flopped onto the couch, holding my stinging cheek.

Why did she slap me? What did I do?

Why did she hate me? What did I do?

Why did she run off? What did I do?

Why won’t she talk? What did I do?

Ten minutes later

Ten minutes later I stood up and made coffee, tea and toast; carrying it on a tray, I went upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door. “Imilie?”

I heard sniffling, and then a weak, “Go away!”

 “No,” I replied, pushing open the door. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything and nothing.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Look, it’s all messy in here, let’s go downstairs.” I offered her my hand, balancing the tray on my leg, and she took it. I somehow managed to carry the tray with one hand as I walked down the stairs with Imi. She clung to my hand, using it as a lifeline of sorts, and we went down into the kitchen. I sat in one seat and Imi yelled at me (because it was Meg’s seat and she got defensive) so I moved over. I slid her the tea and the toast and picked up the coffee. “So what’s wrong?”

She didn’t answer.

“What did I do?” I asked.

Imi’s POV

What did he do?

I looked at him.


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