Chapter Eleven

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Romy’s POV:

I ran away from Jake, up the stairs and into a bedroom.


“Hello?” I replied.

“It’s Becky,” the voice answered. “In the bathroom, dummy!”

I sighed in relief that it wasn’t a murderer, and then left the room.

Meg’s POV:

Something was strange. I knew it, and I knew it had to do with that dumbass Rebecca Lake.

“BECKY?” I called, walking up the stairs into the room she was in.

I heard crying from the bathroom, but whether happy or sad I couldn’t tell.


“Meg?” I went into the bathroom and saw her standing there, with a tear stained face.


The last time we found her crying in the bathroom alone, it was horrible. She had self-harmed, and gone way too far; we had to go to a hospital and everything.

I closed my eyes, getting that image out of my mind.

Chloey’s POV:

I showered quickly, well as quick as I could, and got changed again. Then I heard Meg yelling, and made my way to where her voice was.

“No,” Romy said, stopping me as she stepped out of wherever she was. “Leave them, this is normal.”

I shrugged, and we went to eat chocolate.

Meg’s POV:

“What the hell? Becky, we trusted you!”                  

“What?” She seemed to click onto what I was saying, and a horrified expression came over her face.

“Becky… Becky?”

“No, no it’s not that, it’s not what you think. Look.”

She held out her hand;  my gaze drifted towards it.

There, in her palm, with her thumb covering the area for results, was a used pregnancy test.

Hey guys! Now it’s up to you – Becky pregnant or nah? Your choice!

I had to update this because people were getting worried that I was cutting. That’s kinda what I thought you’d do but I wanted y’all to suffer (I'M KIDDING)… but seriously don’t worry I’m fine! Promise!

Anyway I’m going to bed now.


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