Twenty Eight

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"No you don't understand …I think she was the one who put me in the hospital "

"I don't understand- I thought you were in an accident "

"No,someone has been sending me threats and I think it's her"

I showed Jimin all of the notes and told him all I could remember before I got into the accident.

"I can't believe this! I mean I can but she attempted to kill you!"

"Have you told the police? "

I shook my head no and he sighed

"Y/N,that's attempted murder, that's enough to put her in prison for life"

"But we don't have any proof it was her! "

"I didn't see her in the car and we don't even know who sent the notes, it could be anyone " I reasoned.

"Wait, can't we just dust for fingerprints? "

"Ours is all over it by now" I sighed.

"They could still see if it's another one"

I nodded my head and then we headed off to the police station

~At the police station~

"Hello, is it possible for you guys to dust off for finger prints? It's very important, someone could be in danger" Jimin asked an officer.

The officer put some gloves on and took the notes to a forensic analyst.

He told us that it was going to take a few hours and we nodded our heads.

We decided to go out to the cafe and think of any other possibilities, and how she managed to get in my house.

We ordered our drinks and started to brainstorm.

"Maybe you just forgot to lock it and she just got in?"

I thought about it for a minute and then nodded my head.

"It's a possibility "

"But how did she know when I was leaving and what roads I took?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulders and we heard the bell chime, letting everyone in the cafe know someone came in.

Being nosy, me and Jimin turned to the door just to see Taehyung and Hyejin.

I rolled my eyes and Jimin scoffed.

"I'm so stupid "he muttered


"I'm so stupid for going so low for someone like her " he said glaring at her.

I guessed she noticed and her and Tae turned around and made contact with the both of us.

"Hey Jimin" Tae said


I looked over at Taehyung and all I saw was sadness and guilt all over his face

I looked over at Hyejin and saw her smirk at me.
"I see you're out of the hospital "

Taehyung me and Jimin all widened our eyes, no one ever told her that I was in the hospital!

"How did you know that?! "

I saw her face flush and then she looked somewhere else.

"I uh- Taehyung let's go find a seat!" she stammered

We all looked at her suspiciously and she just nervously smiled.

We heard my phone ring and then I looked at the caller ID, seeing it was an unknown number.



A/n: Guys this book is ending pretty soon, we have a couple more chapters ❤

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