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Hey guys! I know I said 50 votes but I have no clue how many we have. I have awesome ideas for the next couple chapters so here is the next chapter! Let me know how happy y'all are!

Age 14
Bella and Soda were on there way to the dingo. Soda would not shut up about this girl he saw at the DX. Soda and Steve always went there because they wanted to work there. They wanted to be mechanics. But Soda would not shut up about her. Bella was starting to get agitated. "Ok Soda! I get it, she is the definition of perfect. But you know what I don't care!" Bella screamed as she ran off. Bella kept running until she saw a familiar house in sight. The Curtis house. She ran in and ran to a closet. She stayed there for about 2 hours until she heard the front door of the house open. Bella was confused. She didn't know why she did that. She could have been nicer about it but she just didn't want to. Was she jealous?.... No, that's impossible. Soda is her best friend. "Darry! I have searched the whole town for Belle! I can't find her..." It was Soda. He was in tears. He ran to his room and opened the closet to get his sweatshirt. Of course, the closet Belle was in. She had pulled on his sweatshirt at least an hour and a half ago. It was covered in tears now. Soda stood there for a minute in shock. He scooped up Belle and put her on his bed. She was still crying. "I-I'm so sorry. I was a bitch. I-it's just, you talk about her l-like she is a goddess. I j-just know that no one will ever talk to me like that." Belle said as she cried into his chest harder. "Shh... Of course they will. Because you are beautiful." Belle lifted her chin and rested it on his chest. "I love you so much Soda." "I love you more..." And with that she fell asleep...

Belle gets lost in thought as she hears a knock on the door. "I don't want anyone in here right now." Belle says. "Belle its me Soda." "Then I damn well don't want you in here!" She shouts as she stiffs things in a bag. She pulls Rachel out of her crib and she climbs out of the window. She slowly walks to her car and cranks it. Just as she is pulling out she sees the door fly open. It was Soda. She whips out of the driveway and speeds down the road. She sees Soda stop in the middle of the road and then turns to go back in. She swears she saw tears. Belle just continues to drive though. She was gonna go home and clean. She could not go back to the Curtis house for a while. She pulls into her driveway slowly. She grabs Rachel and runs around back. She peeks in through the kitchen window to see if Tommy is there. Thankfully he is not. She grabs her keys and slowly opens the door. She peeks in. Clear. She slowly walks in and turns to go upstairs. She creeps upstairs and sees... Nothing. The house is clear. She was going to change the locks tomorrow because she gave Tommy a key to her old ones. Belle puts Rachel to bed and starts cleaning. She stars with the living room. There is still blood on the floor from the table. Flash backs of that night she tried to clean it played in her mind. Then she moved to her room. The room reeked of alcohol  from that night. Bella felt stings in the corners of her eyes. She ripped the bed sheets off and stared the washing machine. She decided she wanted to spend some time with her baby. She hadn't been around for her baby in a while. So with that Belle played with her daughter until habits fell asleep.

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