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Hayun Pov:

My mom woke me up for school as always, I usually sleep on my desk while studying cause I have to keep my perfect grades thus it's hard for me to wake up on my own. It's not like I am a nerd of something I just want to do psychology studies in England along with my brother who is already there.

I sat with my parents for breakfast many people think it's weird to eat with your parents but I feel like I can talk to them about everything, they are my friends after all.

"Well mom, dad today we are starting our team projects that will affect our final grade... and I am going to do it with Seulgi" I said excited, the team is the 50% of our grade and if we have a good we will have so many opportunities for our future. "Good job honey, I am sure you will do amazing" my mom said while my father wasn't that satisfyed because Seulgi isn't the best student.

I had finished my breakfast when Seulgi came out of my house waiting for me to go to school together. "Mom I am leaving" I shouted and took my bag and left.

On the way to school we were talking about the topic we would pic for our presentation "We should about something spooky like.... theories or unsolved murders... oh Oh Oh or about MENTAL ILLNESSES" Seulgi shouted in excitement and everyone turned to look at us.

"Yeah why not but please don't scream it" I said shyly hiding my face. I thought about what Seulgi said and what could we write with these topics but no one prepared us FOR THAT.

When ew walked into the class our teacher announced us that SHE would split teams.... WHAT THE FUCK.

While she announced the teams I held Seulgi's hand hoping that we would be together, 2 years and no one had separated us before. "Seulgi and Somi" even though we wanted to be together Somi is one of our good friends too so good for Seulgi but who am I going to be with?

My turn is now..."Hayun you are going to be a team with Wonho" Wonho WHAT THE FUCK.... no why Wonho out of all the students. I looked at the desk where Wonho was sitting. It was at the back of the class next to the window. I know nothing about him, no one knows him actually, he talks to no one he never participates in class and he probably hates all of us.

I have heard from students that he has been seen smoking and doing drugs, how in the world will I ever cooperate with him? What am I going to do when we will have to meet outside of the school, I am not inviting him in my house NO WAY!!!! While in his house what will happen to me then? Girls from school keep saying that he keeps checking them out, while everyone knows about his history is school fights..... On the other hand...I have never talked to him...

Seulgi looked at me with a worried expression "we are going to talk to miss Chang don't worry we will be together in this project I am not leaving you with him...." she said and at the morning the bell rang we went to the devil's office....

"Please miss Chang we have to be together in this" we both pleaded but with no mercy she said "Girls the teams are settled and no way I am changing them please go now because I have a lot of things to do".

We went to a cafe where one of our friends worked their. "Hi girls why do you look so sad" Minhyuk said with a bright smile. Minhyuk is Shownu's best friend and he is a good friend of mine as well. "We were separated at the team projects and she is in a team with a possible maniac..." Seulgi said looking at her drink. "Just chill you got separated like any other person..... also antisocial doesn't mean maniac" he laughed out.

"No one knows him and their are rumors that he is on drags, should I feel safe" I said and drank a little of my coffee.

After drinking a coffee while Minhyuk kept teasing us I went back home and face called Shownu who was in England.

"Hey sis you look sad" he said like the concerned he is. "I have problems..." before he even had the chance to ask me what's going on I started complaining "Well today projects started and Hitler split us to teams and I am with Wonho who has the worst reputation at school" I cried out.

He took some time to answer "Well I think that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover he might be a good person" he tried to calm me down. "No he is not....he is on drugs..." I shouted angrily. "Do you even know him, please don't be like this..." "OKAY IF I GET RAPED AND THEN KILLED THEN YOU CAN MAKE CONCLUSIONS ABOUT HIM" I interrupted him and before he could say something I did again "LOVE YOU BYE" I turned off my computer and fell on my bed.

Before I fell asleep I was thinking how I would handle this..... my brother had also affected me even though I didn't want to admit it, he might actually be a good person. Before I realized it I had fell asleep.

To be continued....

Hello guys hope you like the 1st chapter a lot of shit is going to happen.... please vote and comment for support❤️❤️❤️

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