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Wonho Pov:

"Were you watching a nightmare?" he looked at me into the eyes while my eyes were teary.

I wiped the tears and got out of bed "I am fine".

I dressed up and sat at the kitchen table along with Minhyuk who had prepared coffee. He sat at the chair next to me and started eating pancakes he had bought from the bakery.

"Won't you eat?" he asked with a mouth full of food and I chuckled while I grabbed a pancake as well.

"Minhyuk" my attitude turned to more serious "Thank you for doing so much".

"It's nothing really, it's rude to ask but how was your life with him?"

I smiled sadly at his question "After my mom died he started drinking and became abusive while he was always well known for being short tempered" I looked at Minhyuk's face which a sad one.

"This is actually the best house I have lived too" I smiled brightly.

He got up from his sit and came closer "Well now you are safe and all of us will help you" he smiled to me and left for the kitchen with my coffee cup.

It was the first time that so many people ae by my side, I was always afraid to ask for help but now I understand that I should have turned up to someone way earlier, they are all so kind, I feel safe after so long and all of this thanks to Hayun...my angel.

He came back with a backpack on his arms "Okay, it's time" I nodded, I knew what this meant, a wrong step and back to my hell....

Hayun Pov:

Minhyuk sent me a message that they were living for Wonho's house, I was during class thus it was to dangerous for me to even take off my phone but I did it anyways, Wonho is way more important.

Minhyuk🐶:  We are on our way...wish as good luck
Me: Good luck, please be careful 😣

"Hayun what are you doing" I lifted my head to see my teacher standing next to my desk.

"Sorry ms Lee" I immediately turned off my phone and placed it inside my bag.

"I never expected this from you, if I ever see this thing out again you will be in serious trouble young lady" the whole class was looking at me....SO EMBARRASSING.

When the teacher left I received a small handwritten letter for Seulgi.

'Are they okay' I gave her a small nod and then looked at the board even though my mind was only in one place right now...

Wonho, please be careful.

Wonho Pov:

We finally reached my house, my feet were trembling and my heart was beating fast as I was outside.

Screams and cries came into my mind, DAMN do I have any good memories of this house. I was hesitant to go inside until Minhyuk took my hand and gave me a small smile making me feel safe.

I leaded him to the back door, where I always hid an extra emergency key without my dad knowing it.

I opened the door and placed the alarm code thus we wouldn't get caught. I led him into my dad's office where I found the computer where he keeps everything.

I placed a stick in my dad's computer and we had to wait until it loads all the information needed.

I was searching at some files when I heard the front door opening. I automatically closed and locked the door before my dad noticed.

I could hear his steps coming towards us, he tried to open the door but when he realized that it was locked he went to search for the keys.

I saw that all of our information were finally loaded, Minhyuk took the stick and opened the window and signed me to jump outside quickly and that's when I realized.

"You can leave, I will be back in a second" I rushed out of the office trying not to make any sound.

I rushed into my room, my dad had destroyed everything when I left. Books, pencils, pillows everything was at the floor.

I could hear him he was close, I immediately grabbed a the picture that I had with Hyungwon, the frame was broken and it made me hate this man even more. I pressed the picture against my chest near my heart. It was the only happy memory I had and I had to keep it safe.

I immediately left the room and run to the back door, before I got out of the house and started running non stop I came face to face with my dad. His face was full of hatred but not like other times he seemed ready to do everything and when I say everything I mean everything......

I found Minhyuk outside the house, he grabbed my hand and we started running to his car until we were safe and away from this hell.

I checked my phone, Hayun had sent me some messages.

Hayun🦋: Are you guys okay?
Hayun🦋: Did you make it?
Hayun🦋: Why don't you answer me?
Me: We are fine, don't worry

We went to the cafe where Minhyuk works and while he was working I was searching for information at his computer. While I was searching Hayun came in, I hadn't realized that the time had passed so quickly that school ended.

She sat next to me and we searched together, I was focused on the screen when I felt her hand touching mine, I looked at her in her beautiful eyes, she smiled and whispered "don't worry, we will find it"

I continued my work while I was still holding her hand tight, she made me feel more relaxed and confident about the future.

It was dark outside and we were still on the cafe despite the fact that it had closed, Hayun had fallen asleep on my shoulder while Minhyuk was cleaning the floor.

I was really tired but I had to move on, I opened one file and suddenly.

"I found it"

To be continued....

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