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Hayun Pov:

I woke up when I heard Wonho shouting, he had a smile on his face and his eyes were glued in the computer.

Soon enough Minhyuk approached us "What?  Did you found it" he asked.

"Yes, this are the people that have Hyungwon and here is information about them and where they work, if we follow them we will find Hyungwon" he said in excitement.

I was so happy for him but I also had a feeling that something would happen and ruin everything, but this things only happen to movies, right?

I pulled Wonho in a hug "Everything is finally going as I wanted" he laughed.

"Yes but we need to make a plan for what we are going to do" I said out of the blue and Wonho's face became serious.

"You are right without a good plan we are doomed" Minhyuk complained.

"First of all we should go to the places where they usually go like we did last time and if we follow them we shouldn't make it obvious and they should never see Wonho cause they will realize what we are planning" my plan was so inaccurate, damn Seulgi where are you when I need you.

"If my father gave the money from the first place non of these would happen and Hyungwon would be home safe" Wonho looked at the ground ready to cry.

"No he would not be safe, you would both be your dad's toys, you would be abused and endlessly and no one would ever be aware of that....." I gave him a back hug and caressed his hair.

"We will save him you will see and when this happens you will both be free from him as well, you will have a normal life and he will never find you, I promise" I tried to cheer him and it worked he smiled and he had a hold on my hand and kissed it.

"We have to wait until tomorrow when Seulgi will be here and we will have clear minds to plan something" I agreed with Minhyuk's suggestion but Wonho seemed to not have the same thoughts.

He bit his down lip and he rubbed his hands."No, I...I can't wait anymore, I have to do something"

"Please Wonho we need to wait, promise me that you won't do anything alone" I was afraid that he would do something stupid, I don't want him to get hurt.

"Wonho promise me" I shouted

"I promise" he said in a low voice and looked away, the fact that he wasn't looking at me made me worried but trusting him was my only option.

"We will wait until tomorrow, okay?" I tried to look at him in the eyes.

"Okay....." I smiled and hugged him tight.

I walked with them to their house and took the way to my own where my parents were waiting for me.

"Where were you young lady" my dad said in a serious tone.

"Well....I....I was with Seulgi we were at the library" I answered in hesitation.

"Hayun you are never home anymore what happened?" mom seemed worried, I wanted to tell them what was going on but it would make it even worse.

"Mom I am just studying, stop being so dramatic" I tried end the discussion.

"Well why don't you study here?" dad asked

"You can't tell me where to study I like to be in the library" I shouted.

"I am your father and I know you are lying I am expecting the truth, your grades are becoming worse and worse I need the truth NOW" I lost my words I didn't know what to say, I wanted to ran to my room and lock the door.

"Explain now!!!"

"I have nothing to tell you I am fine, can you just leave me alone!!!!" I shouted.

"What would your brother say for this" my mom's words killed me Shownu would be disappointed but Wonho was more important than what others thought of me.

"I said I am fine what can't you understand, I am at the library with Seulgi studying all day stressing my self out, I try my best to not disappoint you and you are mad at me.....THANKS" when I felt that I closed their mouths I ran to my room and locked the door.

I closed I put on my headphones and let EXO help me fall asleep.

The next day my mom woke me up, songs were still playing on the headphones.

"Honey can I talk to you?"

"Sure mom"

"We are sorry for yesterday I understand that you are a teenager and want to live your life, we will be more understanding the next time, it's just hard to know that my baby grows up" she hugged me and I felt relieved that they actually believed me.

Seulgi walked with me at school, I told her everything that happened with Wonho and she agreed in coming to Minhyuk's house after school thus we can plan something.

Seulgi is a very soft person even if she doesn't want to admit it, she loves children and she even takes part in organization to helps people in need so it wasn't hard for me to make her help us.

Outside a school I saw a man, he was similar to Wonho but older, I assumed that he was his dad I took Seulgi's hand and started walking fast.

"What's wrong!!!" she yelled but I didn't say anything until we were away from him.

"He is Wonho's dad, he is looking for him" I whispered.

"O M G, what are we going to do?" she asked

"We stay away from him, I have a bad feeling" I looked at him from afar when the bell rang and our school day started.

Today our teacher gave us some old tests.

"Hayun you really disappointed me" my teacher said and handed me the test.

15, it was the worst grade I ever had, I don't even remember having this test probably because I was thinking of Wonho, only thinking of his name made me smile.

"Is it fun? Some more grades like this and your grade will fall" she said in a bitchy tone and continued handing the rest of the tests.

It was lunch time, I sat with Seulgi somewhere isolated from the crowd thus we could talk about our plan.

"Gross, our parents don't pay the school to have salad and soup for lunch"

"Seulgi focus we need to think of something a five year old's child is in danger right now!!!!" I complained while she was looking at her plate in discuss.

"I am sorry, let's continue with our plan" she said when my phone rang, I wouldn't pick it up if it wasn't for Minhyuk.

"Hello Minhyuk what's going on?.....WHAT?.....HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?....NO NO NO NOT NOW.....OKAY DO THAT" I turned off my phone and looked at Seulgi in a shock.

"What happened?" she said worried.

"W...Wonho decided to take action on his own"

To be continued.....

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