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"Hello big bro" I said in a low voice "ARE YOU CRAZY? WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING YOUR PHONE WE WERE WORRIED" he started yelling at me. "I AM SORRY BUT I WAS IN THE LIBRARY AND I HAD MY PHONE ON MUTE" I tried to defend myself.

"Please don't do this again we were all so worried.....by the way mom and dad won't be at home due to work, can you stay alone for one more night" he said calmly "Do I have any other chance.....don't worry I will be fine" I said and ended that call.

When I reached home everything was quite, I was alone ONCE AGAIN.....my parents always leave town for work and I don't see them that often but that's no a problem I always have fun alone, after all I can order whatever food I want.

I texted to Seulgi what happened, she wants to meet Wonho as well I believe that she will help me a lot. Tomorrow I would go to the cafe where Minhyuk works where I can meet Wonho and Seulgi thus we can plan how to save Hyungwon.

I was sitting at my couch watching a movie, I felt lonely, Wonho sleeping with me made me feel....nice I liked sensing his presence, I felt safe. I hope that he is calm now and sleeps well. I could understand his pain, what would I do if something happened to Shownu while he is always by my side. Furthermore it was really cruel to torture a baby even for the mafia, he must feel scared and lonely, I hope he is fine.

The movie ended and I still couldn't understand the plot probably because Wonho was always in my mind. I put on my headphones to listen to my favorite song from exo called "Heaven" and I fell asleep without even noticing.

In the morning I got ready and left home with Seulgi thus we could go to the cafe. On the way she kept asking about Wonho, she was excited to meet him, she really wanted to help, I am glad to have her as my friend.

We reached the cafe, not many people were there and that was very convenient for us. Wonho was sitting in a table he waved happily at me with a smile while Minhyuk was serving coffee to an elder couple. "Wonho that's Seulgi I told her about your story and she wants to help".

"Hi I promise I won't tell your secret to anyone, I really want to help" she tried to reassure that she will help "Thank you" he said shyly. "Guys you can start I am coming in a second" Minhyuk shouted while serving the last customers.

"Do you have any idea what we are going to do, we can't raise all this money it's impossible" I said looking at Wonho "Yes I came up with something...." he stopped looking at Minhyuk who was ready to hear the plan as well "My father keeps some files about these people in his office.....if I find something's about him then I will be able to find where they keep Hyungwon, I only have to go in his house when he is at work" he seemed hesitant in going back there, I can't imagine what he has passed in this place while he doesn't consider it his house. "I can come with you" Wonho nodded in Minhyuk's suggesting, I felt comfortable knowing that Minhyuk was taking good care of him.

"I also know a place where these people usually hangout, it's a night club we can get information" he added. "We can go tonight, I will come with you thus we won't seem suspicious" I said confidently. "You guys have to pretend to be a couple no one will think that you will go there for information" Seulgi had watched a lot of police movies so she knew what we had to do but I blushed only with the idea of pretending to be Wonho's girlfriend and I could see he had the same reaction.

"Okay let's do it" I finally spoke "Alright today we are going there and on Monday Minhyuk and I will go to my father's house while he will be working" he smiled, I love to see him smile it relieves me to see him better hope when everything ends he will be able to smile everyday.

When we left the cafe Seulgi insisted in going clothe shopping thus I can be ready to go to a club. I am not the type of person who goes clubbing very often so I was unaware of what to wear. She took me to a super expensive shop and I waited until she collected all the clothing I should try.

I ended up trying a lot of clothes and shoes. A black strapless dress with red high heels, a red top with a black shirt, a pink dress that looked like I was in a Disney movie but I ended up choosing a black dress with long sleeves which was a little open in my chest and it wasn't that short thus I wouldn't seem like a prostitute at least that's what Seulgi told me. "Is it nice? I don't feel that comfortable" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror. "Yes it's perfect you look amazing" she said and immediately took out her credit card.

It was already noon when we reached at my house. I took a bath and then Seulgi did my makeup, I was ready to leave. Wonho knocked on my door and I rushed to open it, he was handsome he was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket, black jeans with some cuts and his hair wasn't messy as usual. He was standing outside looking at me saying nothing "Am I that bad?" I asked looking at his expression. "No..no you are beautiful" he gave a small smile "Oh...thank you" I said awkward while my cheeks were red.

We finally left my house and went to that club. It didn't seem like a normal club everyone there looked like he was on drugs "Stay close to me it might be dangerous" he pulled be closer and my heart started beating fast. We sat at the bar when Wonho noticed something "You look at this person over there" he pointed at a man a lot taller that us, he was and he was dressed formally, he looked.....scary. "He is the person who keeps calling me....I have seen him a lot of times with my father" he said. We ordered some while we pretended to be a couple while we didn't want him to notice us. Wonho turned his back thus the person wouldn't spot his face while I was looking at him.

"Sorry do you know this man" Wonho asked the bar man. "Oh yes he comes here very often.....you don't want to get in his way, his name is Park Hyeon he is a drug dealer and he is really dangerous you kids don't want to mess with him" he warned us. We kept looking at him at the rest of the night. At one point he came in our way Wonho immediately panicked and hugged me pretending that we were making out. My heart was beating fast and his heart was doing the same. The man took a drink from the bar and then left.

After that experience we decided that we learned enough information so we left the club. We decided not to go home immediately thus we walked to a park near my house. He gave me his jacket because I felt cold "I am sorry that you have to go through this" he said and wiped his tears. "No don't be I want to help" I kissed his tear and hugged him tight "I got you all into this mess, I couldn't protect my brother and now you all have to pay the price for my irresponsibility" he broke down. "Wonho don't say that, it's your father's fault and you never deserved to be treated that way and I am here to help"

"Thank you....Hayun..." he approached me "I was lost....until you came" his voice was calm and smoothing, it made want to stay with him forever, to be by his side and protect him.

I looked at him in the eyes and he left me breathless, he caresses my cheek, his face was close to mine. Everything around me had become hazy and the only thing I could focus on was me and Wonho and I realized that he is the only person that I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life.

He closed his eyes and kissed my lips. I was surprised by his act but I didn't reacted, I didn't move, I just closed my eyes and kissed him back, the earth was moving slow, I felt like time had stopped, I didn't want this moment to end, I didn't want this feeling to end. My stomach had turned, electricity got up my spine and my heart skipped a beat. It didn't feel like a burning candle but like fireworks are going off.... For that moment I got this amazing present and I wanted to laugh, cry....I felt so lucky that I found him but at the same time I was so afraid that something would go one and ruin everything.

Is this how falling in love is and why does it hurt?

Wonho softly moved removed his lips from mine, I could she a small smile on his face and I couldn't help but blush and smile back to him.

When this moment ended Wonho walked me home, on the way we said nothing we only looked at the stars. We reached outside my house, his face edged to mine "Goodbye" he whispered into my ear. He kissed my forehead gently and then he headed home.

I couldn't manage to sleep during the night, how could I sleep after this? I kept thinking about it all night until the early morning.

To be continued....

I hope that you loved this chapter as much as I did❤️❤️❤️please vote and comment if you liked it❤️❤️❤️love you all😘😘😘

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