The New Boy (Nathaniel's Point of View)

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     "Nathaniel if you want to draw instead of listening to me then I suggest you go draw someone else!"  Ms. Mendeleiev yelled into my ear.

     Science class was the only class I didn't pay attention to. I usually used the amount of time to draw instead of letting it go to waste. 

     "I'm sorry Ms.Mendeleiev I'll stop drawing. I promise you that I will pay attention in class more often," I said.

     "Maybe you can start paying attention by telling me what I just said." she continued. I had no idea what she said.

     "I don't know what you said. I'm sorry." I said. I didn't dare to try and look her in the eyes. I already had red hair and I didn't need to have a red face to match the hair.

     "I said that we will be getting a new student today. He is the son of a very famous fashion designer," Ms.Mendeleiev said as she walked back to her desk. 

     "I think the new boy should sit next to me! After all we're both rich and have famous fathers." Chloe said.

     "What about me Chloe? I sit next to you!" Sabrina yelled out. I could see that she was panicking but she was trying to stay calm.

     "The new boy will be sitting next to Nino! It is the only seat open other than Nathaniel." Mrs.Mendeleiev said. She grabbed a chalk and started writing on the board. 

     I was about to start drawing in my notebook again but Ms.Mendeleiev looked at me before the pencil could touch the paper.

     "Okay class copy down what I wrote on the board. I will enter your grades while you do that." Ms.Mendeleiev said.

     As soon as she sat down at her desk there was a knock on the door. A boy entered but before I could see his face the front of the class stood up. I stood on my toes but I still couldn't his face. All I could see was the back of his head filled with blond hair.

Chat Noir and Nathaniel: The story of a hero and an artistحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن