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Nathaniel P.O.V

I just seduced Chat Noir!!!!

Chat is right next to me and cuddling me while I pretend to be asleep. I try not to think of his moans so he doesn't notice I'm awake.

"Nathaniel I know you're awake," Chat says.

"Ummmm... I'm not awake," I say.

I hear a soft chuckle come from Chat. He starts to play with my hair. Thank goodness it was a Friday and my mom worked late.

As he plays with my hair I reach my hand and start scratching behind his ears. I hear something come out of him. It sounds like a... purr?

"Chat are you Purring?" I ask.

"What? I'm a human not a cat," Chat says. He's trying hard to stay calm but he's turning a shade of red darker than my hair.

I laugh and hug him. This time he allows himself to purr. 

Suddenly he sits up and pulls me off the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Chat pulls me towards my balcony glass doors.

"I realized that we haven't gone on a proper date!" Chat says with a huge smile on his face.

I feel my face heat up as Chat opens the glass doors and picks me up bridal style. I hang on to him tight and try not to look down.

"Chat! I'm afraid of heights," I say sheepishly.

"Don't worry I'll protect you," Chat says and hugs me tighter.

"I'm trusting you!"  I shout as he extends his pole and shooting us through the air.

"By the way Nathaniel I've been thinking," Chat says as we travel through the air.

"What is it?" I ask trying not to think of falling to my death.

"Well I want to know what to call you. What do you prefer?" Chat asks me.

"I don't know..." I say.

Soon we land on an unfamiliar place. It's above the ground and the view of the sky is beautiful. I realize we're on top of the Eiffel Tower. For once I'm not scared of the height.

"Hmmm I'm thinking Kitten. Maybe Baby Boy!  Oof I know..." Chat says as he gets closer. "How about I call you mine?" he asks.

I smile and bury my face into my hands. He was such a big flirt and I didn't mind being his.

"That sounds fine to me," I respond. 

He smiles and hugs me. He then sits down and sits me on his lap. He turns me to face the sun which is now setting.

"I know this is a cliche date but-" he starts to say.

"It's perfectly fine. After all I'm here with you," I cut him off.

"Aw come on Nathaniel! It's my job to be the cheesy one!" Chat whines.

I laugh and give him a playful punch on his arm. Something about him gave me confidence to be myself and not the shy guy everyone picked on. 

I was able to joke with him. In fact this whole scenario reminded me of talking to Adrien in so many ways. Even the green in Chat's eyes were similar. His blond locks were not the same hairstyle as but they were the same golden yellow.

Chat was busy looking at the sunset so he didn't notice me staring at him like a creep. Could he be Adrien. I knew a way to test my theory.

"Thanks for standing up for me when Chloe picked on me," I say.

"You're welcome Nathaniel," He responds.

"Adrien?" I asked.

Chat looks at me with huge and surprised eyes, realizing his mistake.

Word Count: 554

Hey Fellers!

I hope you like the chapter and sorry for the slow update/cliff hanger.

Also I need your help: What should Adrien/Chat Noir call Nathaniel? It may not seem like a big deal but I can not make up my mind!!!!!

Welp I'll see ya fellers later!!!

Thanks for reading!

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