The New Boy (Adrien's Point of View)

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     I knocked on the door. It was my first time at a school and I had no idea what people would think of me. As soon as I entered the classroom everyone stood up and started talking.

     "Everyone sit down and let the boy find his seat! Adrien you can sit next to Nino," the teacher said to me.

     I sat down next to a boy with glasses and a hat on. He had headphones around his next and was doing something on his phone.

     "Hi my name is Adrien... what's your name?" I asked. I already knew his name but I didn't know what to say.

     "Hey Dude! I'm Nino but I'm guessing you already knew that!" Nino said. He didn't seem to be mad. He seemed like he was goofing off.

     I smiled at him and looked around the classroom. I noticed Chloe from my childhood play dates. As I looked to the back I saw a redhead boy. He was facing down so I couldn't see him. The seat next to him was empty.

     "Hey Nino who is that boy at the back?" I asked still looking at the boy. He seemed to be drawing instead of writing.

     "Oh that's Nathaniel. He used to have a crush on this girl but then he was akumatized after Chloe made fun of him. Now he sits alone all the time." Nino said.

     I looked back at him one more time. This time he looked up and our eyes met. I smiled and waved. He just looked at me and then continued doing whatever he was doing before.

     "Don't worry if he ignores you, he does that to everybody including Marinettte... even though he used to like her." Nino whispered into my ear.

    I looked back at him and smiled. I would make Nathaniel my friend.

    A friend.

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