I. Don't. Like. You.

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Nathaniel P.O.V

I woke up alone in my bed but with the smell of Chat Noir still on the blankets and pillows. I saw a note on my desk.


Sorry I left you without saying goodbye. Even superheroes have to go to school. I love you and have a good day at school.♡

I smiled at the simple note he left me. I got changed into something new. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to eat breakfast since I still had time.

"Good morning Nathaniel. You seem happier than usual," my mother said as soon as I came downstairs.

"Morning mom. I just had lot of fun with my friends yesterday," I said as I grabbed a waffle and ate it.

When I was done I said bye to my mom and left for school. Once again I was early so I had time to draw. Instead of drawing him I drew Chat Noir.

"Hey Nathaniel you're early again," a familiar voice said.

"Hi Adrien. You're early too," I responded.

He looked surprised. I was surprised as well. I talked to him without making a complete fool of myself.

"So what are you drawing today?" he asked.

"Well I was going to draw Chat Noir but I can get some details that I need from memory," I said.

Adrien P.O.V

(This song is really good for what is about to happen. Play it if you want)

"That's real cool!" I said while blushing.

"Hey Adrikinssss," a annoying voice said.

Why? Out of all the times that she comes it has to be now.

"Hi Chloe," I said without expression.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nathaniel starting to panic. I pat his hand softly to reassure him.

"Adrien! What are you doing with someone like him! You know they say he's gay!" Chloe said.

I saw Nathaniel's eyes water up. I remembered what I discovered last night and my promise to protect him.

"So what if he is? What do you have against it?" I asked suddenly getting mad.

"They're disgusting! Why can't he like girls like a normal boy?" Chloe asked.

"What if I was gay Chloe? Would you call me disgusting?" I said as I stood up.

I saw Nathaniel look at me as if he was trying to tell me to stop. I promised to protect him and that's what I'll do.

"Oh please Adrien. You would never be attracted to guys!" she laughed.

"Oh really?" I asked. I was mad at her and everyone who ever hurt Nathaniel.

She smirked and then looked at Nathaniel. I looked at him and then pulled him up so he was standing next to me. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't tell me that you're friends with him. I know you like me," Chloe said.

"Chloe isn't it clear? The only reason I'm friendly towards you is because you were the only person I knew. I'm tired of you treated Nathaniel like trash and every other person in this school!" I yelled.

"Oh come one Adrien! Stop being dumb and leave him!" Chloe yelled back.

"That's it Chloe. I'm going to tell you slowly so your brain can process it. I. Don't. Like. You." I said.

Chloe stared at me in shock. Her face turned red and her eyes filled with tears. I had been nice to her for way to long and Nathaniel was hurt because people like her got away with everything.

"Fine Adrien. I don't like you either. I was just faking it because you had no friends!" she said.

She walked towards Sabrina. I could see Sabrina glaring at me and Chloe still in tears. I tried feeling sorry for her but I couldn't.

"Adrien you didn't have to do that. I'm used to it," Nathaniel said.

I turned to him. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with tears. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Nathaniel. For everything they've done to you and for not helping you earlier," I said.

"Thanks Adrien. By the way I'm bisexual not gay," he said.

I let go of him and laughed.

Word count:688

Hey fellers!

Adrien and Nathaniel are friends now!!

I hope you liked the chapter and thanks for reading!

See you next time!!!

Chat Noir and Nathaniel: The story of a hero and an artistWhere stories live. Discover now