Chapter 8

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Lucy POV:

The car journey with tris was so fun! We laughed, sung everything! And get this, tris held my hand!!!! We arrived at Starbucks and tris opened the door for me! He's such a gentleman! We walked into Starbucks hand in had with our fingers intwined with each other's. When we got into the place, he got us a table and he ordered some drinks. He sat down with me and he said: "so erm Lucy, I erm really lie you and I was wondering, will you erm b-be my girlfriend?" He asked. OMG TRISTAN EVANS JUST AKSED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! I replied with a yes and then suddenly he hugged me tightly.

Tristan POV:

ME AND LUCY ARE TOGETHER!! It's like dream come true!!! She couldn't stop smiling and I didn't want her to stop because it was so beautiful! She moved closer to me so I put my arm round her, her smile grew bigger and she kissed me slightly in the cheek.

Lucy POV:

I loved tris's arm around me so I couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek. He smiled and then he moved closer to my face and kissed me straight on the lips! It lasted about 8 seconds and when we drew apart we noticed fans around us so we just smiled and tris kissed me again! About 2 hours later we walked out of Starbucks, hand in hand again and we got in the car. We drove home pretty much in silence and when I got to my house I said to him "do you wanna come in for a bit?" He nodded his head and we both walked into my house. My mom suddenly rushed out of the living room and smiled. "So you and tris are together now?" She asked " erm mom. How did you find out?" I questioned "it's all over the news!!" She replied. Me and tris burst out laughing and then he kissed me slightly on the cheek. "C'mon tris, let's go up to my room." I said. We both walked up the stairs into my room and I pretty much jumped onto my bed and Tris just laughed.

Tristan POV:

She looked so cute when she jumped on the bed so I couldn't help but laugh. I sat on the bed and she kissed me again, and then she put on the tv. She then dived into bed and she invited me. I didn't even think about it and I got into bed and we cuddled and watched tv all might until we fell asleep.

Emily POV:

So Lucy and Tristan are together huh? Well I can say they make a really cute couple and I am happy for them! But when is Lucy gonna tell me her secret?!?!


So tris and Lucy are together!!! Do you think Emily is really happy for them?

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