Chapter 18

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AN: this part might be emotional for some people so sorry :(

Lucy POV:

"MOM!!!!!!!" I screamed she was lying on the floor, as pale as a ghost.i grabbed my phone and called an ambulance as quickly as possible. They arrived about ten minutes after calling then and they put my mom on a stretcher and placed her in the ambulance. Me and Tristan went in the ambulance with her and I just felt the tears fall down my face. Tristan held me tight and said to me: "she will be okay, I promise babe" I then replied with: " but what about if she's not?!" And I cried even harder. He held me close and kisses me on the forehead. When we arrived at the hospital my mom was rushed down to the emergency ward and she got put in a room but we weren't allowed to go in so we waited patiently outside. I was still crying and a few people walked past us and they must of had been fans because they said to Tristan: " oh my god Tristan what's the matter with Lucy?!?" I loved it how they were concerned but Tristan replied with family problems. The next thing I knew a doctor came out to us and said: " your mother had a heart attack and we doubt she will survive." I felt like my whole world crashed down on me. I couldn't see straight or think straight, I just stared and didn't say anything. "Babe? You have gone really pale, are you alright???" Tristan said to me. I didn't reply I just stared. The next thing I knew I was on the floor, Tristan knelt down and shouted a doctor. I passed out.

Tristan POV:

Lucy looked really pale so I asked her if she was alright and then she just fell to the floor and didn't move so I shouted a doctor and they said she passed out over the shock. I feel really sorry for her because she really loves her mom, so how is she gonna survive without her? The doctor gave her another shock and she woke up, they fetched her a glass of water but she just stared into it. "Please drink it lucy, it will make you feel better." The doctor said to her, so she took a sip and the doctors lifted her back onto the chair.

Lucy POV:

I slowly drank some more and then the doctors came out with a pale look on their faces. Lucy cole? I'm afraid to say your mother has passed away. No. No. No. I screamed and then I started crying harder than I ever had before. My mom can't be dead!!!! I cried harder and then I noticed Tristan was crying as well. He held me tightly and said to me: "I'm sorry baby girl." I cried and cried until the doctors came over to me and said: " she had a major heart attack, we did the best we could but I'm afraid it's too late, she has gone." Just hearing those words made me even more upset. How am I gonna cope without my mom now??? She helped me through so much, she helped me stand up to bullies, helped me grow up but most importantly, she helped me stop cutting.

Tristan POV:

I've never seen somebody more tore apart than Lucy before. She was screaming her moms name, whilst crying her eyes out. She was truly heartbroken. She told me the other night that her mom helped her stop cutting, so I'm really worried she is gonna cut again.


Wow that was emotional!! 303 reads?? Wow that's amazing guys!! I'm really sorry if that chapter upset you because I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry if you have had to go through a lost family member, I have as well so I know how it feels. I love you guys <3

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