Chapter 19

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I was feeling nice, so I updated.


Alex P.o.V

While me and Sophie were eating my phone started ringing

"I'm so fancy, you already know. I'm in the fast lane from LA to Tok-"

It was Hayden "hello?"

"Hey babe, what you doing?"

"Sophie and I just went to get something to eat and then were going to explore this place, what are you doing?"

"We just got off the slopes, and Asher is coming to get Sophie, I guess you have to be stuck exploring with me"

I put the phone down for a minute to tell Sophie that Asher was coming to get her, but by the time I looked up, Sophie and Asher were already running out the restaurant.

"Oh, darn, now I have to spend time with my really hot babies daddy"

"You know you like it" I could tell by the way he said that, that he was smirking

"Yes, I do, ill meet you in the front of the hotel in five minutes, I have to pay the bill and that stuff."

"Okay see you in five, love you"

I said a quick love you too and hung up, I waved Million over for the bill

"Hey little sweet cheeks, what you need?"

"I need the bill,"

"Don't worry about it, I still feel bad for knocking you over"

"No, and don't worry about it, and let me pay."

"No, I refuse to let you pay, now get out of here" he said jokingly

"Wanna get rid of me so soon" I reply

"Never, but I'm not going to let you pay."

"Fine, I would continue to argue, but I have to leave, bye ill talk to ya later" and then I walked out of the restaurant. To the front of the hotel.

By the time I got there, Hayden was playing on his phone

"Clash of Clans, really how old are you?"

"I'm 18 ma'am" he said in a really bad accent

"Ain't that a little old to be playing a game meant for twelve year olds?"

"I needed something to pass the time, you were taking forever!"

"I was not!" I looked at the clock on my phone and realized that had taken me about ten minutes "whoops. Whatever"

"Your lucky I love you, now where do you want to go?"

"I saw this cute little shop with this dress I liked."

"Well let's go," he grabs my hand and starts walking "and by the way, everyone on the football team plays Clash of Clans, we are all in the same clan, and I'm the leader, just because I'm that cool.

I laugh and then we walk into the little shop. and I go straight to the dress.

The dress is a full length dress, and it's light blue with small gold belt.

It's meant for a not pregnant person. But I'm pretty sure I can fit into it. So I took a few of the dresses to go try them on.

The very first dress I tried on fit perfectly. It made all curves look good. I felt really tan in it.

This by far is probably my favorite dress in the world. I took it off and went to go buy it.

I walked out of the dressing room

17 and Pregnant with the Player (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now