Ch.1 A Memory

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(A/N: Okay so before you continue reading, please, if you haven't read my previous stories "All I Want is Trust." Being part one. And Part two 'Hidden Selfishly' please go back and read them so you can understand the plot wayyyy better. But if you have: Thank u! And enjoy reading Part three being the final story of my 'Trustworthy?' series.)

(Btw: The characters are not that young! It makes sense that they are around the normal ~20 in human age. And that the term 'pup' is used loosely, but not the real meaning.)

Chase's POV: "Sorry? Why? If only I could've caught up to her. But unfortunately I got blocked and that gave her the perfect chance to gain ground on me. I looked at my team beyond crossed."

Chase: "What's wrong with you guys!?"

Rocky: "Us?! What's going on with you?!"

Chase: "Me?!"

Marshall: "Yeah Chase! What the heck just happened!?"

Chase: "If you were paying attention you would know!"

Marshall: "It's hard to pay attention when you keep hiding the important parts! What did you do to Everest?!"

Chase: "I don't know! If anything she did something to me!?" He counter attacked.

Rocky: "Chase, can you just explain why she ran away!?"

Chase: *growls* "That's why I wanted to go after her! But no, you guys had to stop me. For what? To explain something I was going to know!?"

Marshall: "Well what do you know!"

Chase: *mumbles* "More than you."

Marshall: "What did you say?"

Chase: "I said I know more than you!"

Marshall: "Clearly! Because I don't know what just happened! Nobody does!"

Chase: "Skye probably knows! Go bother her!"

Zuma: "Um Chase, Skye isn't here."

Everyone then looked around the room.

Rocky: "Do you think she..." He looked at Chase.

Chase: *eyes widened* "Everest."

Nobody had to explain further then that, all of them just went to the elevator as quick as they could. Hoping to find their lost teammate. And for Chase, hopefully his real 'hero'.


Skye's POV: "That selfish good for nothing mutt! That's the last time I ever believe her words again! I thought we were finally friends. But no, she always has something else planned."

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