Ch.4 Family

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Earlier that day somewhere else...

*alarm goes off*

??? POV: *groans* "Time already?" *yawns* "What's that noise?"

Rustling from outside her bedroom was heard, she wasn't rattled that easily though. Suddenly the door flung open revealing another female dog, but she was younger like in her late 20's in human years.

Both dogs were German Shepherds. But only one of them was celebrating a birthday today. The other, younger dog, well let's just say that she went with the name of...Ciara.

Ciara: "Happy Birthday!!!" She said cheerfully to the older canine that was now staring at her with a small grin.

???: "Thanks Ciara."

Ciara: "Oh but wait that's not all!"

Ciara left for a solid 2 minutes but then returned with a bowl filled with food. Breakfast.

???: "That's really kind of you Ciara, but you didn't have to."

Ciara: *raises brow* "Have to? I wanted to! It's your special day! I have to do something special for you. You've done so much for me."

???: "That's nice dear. But really you don't go far in life if things just get served to you, like breakfast in bed."

She then got up from the somewhat bed and received the bowl of food. She sat at the end of her worn out mattress and just stared at the bowl. Her small soft smile turned into a frown.

Ciara: "Is there something wrong with the food?"

???: "Something is wrong alright."

Ciara: *cocks head*

???: "I'm not hungry." She then pushes the bowl aside.

Ciara: "Oh. But it's okay." She said slightly mad.

Ciara comes to the other female's side and takes the dish back to the somewhat kitchen. When she came back she found the the older German Shepherd at the window. It was raining.

Ciara: "You know what. If I had the power to control the weather I would make it all sunny and dry, all for you." She smiled trying to lighten the tension.

But all Ciara got in response was nothing but a nod. Ciara was hoping to at least drag the attention from the rain to the special day it needed to represent.

Then as Ciara was trying to think of a plan of action to make the other female stop focusing on the rain she noticed a single tear drop rolling down her cheek.

Ciara: "Hey come on, no tears should be-."

The aged female broke down. She put her paws over her eyes with more abundant of tears being shed. Her sobs filled the quiet bedroom.

Ciara: "Whoa." She quickly went to her side. Putting both of her paws on her shoulders, making visible eye contact possible. "Why are you crying?"

???: *sniffs* "I hate my birthday! The memories it brings makes me hate it! You think that my own two sons would visit today? You think that at least one of them would remember me! You think that they may forgive me! You would at least think that *sniffs* the o-one that has been gone for over 5 years would returned! Well your wrong! Everything is wrong and nothing will be right, that is until..." *sobs*

Ciara: "Shh, i-it's going to be okay." Her voice cracked. She hated seeing her like this. She hated that she knew.

They hugged each other strongly both of their eyes fill with tears they both knew the certain something that was wrong. They both knew the certain someone that caused it to be wrong.

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