Ch.2 A Total Of Five

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Everest's POV: "I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to face any consequences but I had it coming. You can't run away from your past."

Everest heard Skye loud and clear, she knew that she was going to get caught eventually but she just didn't accept it, as well as believe that it was Skye that was going to face her. But she had to give up, she wanted to give up.

Everest: *gets up* *faces Skye* "H-hi Skye. You can come inside. I don't know if you noticed but it's raining."

Skye: *growls* "I have noticed for your information! And I would rather stay outside of that hideous hut and keep getting wet then go in it with you!"

Just then lighting struck an unaware tree, as a sign to show how bad it could get.

Skye: "Ah! Okay move over!" She shrieked dashing in the poorly made house.

Everest did however, and even a little more mainly because she now sat next to a drench Skye. But later, as usually, dogs would so happen to dry themselves off by a simple shake.

Everest: "You done or-."

Skye: "You have some explaining to do!" She launched out.

Everest: "Look Skye I know your mad at me but you have to understand that I've changed."

Skye: "How? Your still backstabbing, planning, and trying to have Chase."

Everest: "Back then I was! You may not believe I've changed but I'm at least trying to!" She said with tears forming in her eyes.

Skye looked at her with an angered but yet concerned expression.

Skye: "What are you trying to say?"

Everest: *takes a deep breath* "You can have Chase."

Skye: *glares* "Look I don't know what kind of thing your planning in that sneaky brain of yours but-."

Everest: "I'm not planning anything...Skye, I want you to have Chase."

Skye took a moment to think. She knew that maybe this could be another complex plan or trick, but Everest didn't sound herself when saying it. Everest sounded a bit more generous and calm then her usually characteristics.

Skye: "Why?" She stated.

Everest: "Mostly because I want to change completely. And I just want to face the facts."

Then Skye said something she never thought she would ever say. She didn't even knew if it was fully true but she felt that it could be. So she went for it.

Skye: "But Chase loves you."

Everest hung her head when hearing this, she knew her past self would've been thrilled but now...she just felt nothing but guilt.

Everest: *shakes head* "He shouldn't."

Skye: "Meaning?"

Everest: "If I tell you...your just going to use it to your advantage. We aren't friends that can share freely things anymore."

Skye: "But why wouldn't you want Chase all of a sudden?"

Everest: *sniffs* "Because he doesn't deserve me. He needs someone-."

Skye: "That he can completely trust." She finished. "And that's why I'm here. You are the only one he trust. You are the only one he loves." She said with a frown.

Everest: *cries* "He can't...h-he shouldn't."

Skye: "Stop saying that! Why?! Your the one who saved his life so that means-."

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