Ch.3 Independent

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Marshall's POV: "He left. He left And believe me I still know Chase, he wouldn't usually do something like that. He's the normal teamwork type of guy. But he just went...alone. And I saw the disappointed faces in all my other teammates when we figured out he did."

Rubble: "Where's Chase?"

Rubble, the youngest, was the last one to know though. He just woke up from a small nap and was curious of the sudden disappearance of the police dog.

Rocky: "Chase left. Like he said he would." He informed Rubble, a little sadly.

Rubble: *alarmed* "What?! Why didn't you guys wake me up! Come on we can catch up to him if we hurry!"

As Rubble ran towards the entrance he looked back to see everyone staying in the exact same position. No one wanted to help?

Rubble: "Guys?"

All 3 of them just shifted uncomfortable, they looked everywhere expect at Rubble. They all knew something that Rubble didn't. But what they were most uncertain about was who would be the one to tell him.

Rocky looked at Marshall and nodded his head toward the clueless pup. But in contrast Marshall glared at him saying he would have to make him first. Then Rocky took it as a challenge and looked at Zuma for back up and before Marshall could even get a grasp of the situation, he was pushed toward Rubble, falling face flat and hitting the ground, regretting his action.

Marshall: "Oww." He said sarcastically narrow his eyes at both Rocky and Zuma.

But they didn't care, they just high pawed each other in response.

Rubble: "Um okay? But still why didn't you guys go with Chase, is something wrong?" He said looking at Marshall since he was literally thrown into answer Rubble's questions.

Marshall: "Uhhhh..." He looked back at his team hoping for some type of help in an explanation. He got nothing.

Rubble: *raises eyebrow* "What?"

Marshall: *gulp* "Look Rubble I know that your really close to Chase that he's basically like an older brother to you and that you get worried but um, well- *sighs*. Rubble...we DID want to go with him, believe me we were worried too, but we just didn't go because he said he didn't need go."

Rubble: "Yeah yeah nice joke Marshall. But come on-." He said doubtful because he knew Chase couldn't possibly want to go solo, that is until he got cut off.

Marshall: "I'm not joking! I'm telling the truth, what so you guys just assume I'm lying now?"

Rubble: "I never said that."

Rocky then steps in.

Rocky: "Wow Marshall. I should've known better then to make you explain something."

Marshall: *growls* "Then why did you make me?!"

Rocky: "To see you fail." *chuckles* "It worked."

Marshall: "You know what, we can settle this right now! I could care less if Rubble's watching!"

Rocky: *smirks* "Yeah right, in a fight between me and you there would only be three hits. I hit you, you hit the ground, and then the medic hitting the ambulance truck carrying you to the hospital."

Marshall: *growls*

Zuma: "Dudes stop!" He said taking lead for a first as well as trying to prevent anything that could turn ugly.

Marshall: "Stay out of this Zuma!"

Zuma: "Look dudes I know you guys awe mad at each othew and evewything but do you really have to do this now!?"

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