Ch.14 Greetings From A Ghost Town

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Chase: "We got some walking to do." He said with a huge sigh.

This island was not Trustem. They did make it to Concealed islands, but it just so happens that they landed on the wrong one. It wasn't a big deal though, since they could navigate their way on foot.

Still, this miscalculation did have it's downsides, one of which was they had to get passed it's two other sketchy neighboring islands.

Skye: "Exactly how much walking are we talking about?"

The German Shepherd scanned up ahead in search for an answer.

Chase: "Uh...a few more extra miles, I think."

On her face a tired expression was displayed as she also let out a heavy sigh of exhaustion.

Skye: "Next time let me steer the raft." She joked.

He cracked a smile and playfully rolled his eyes as he started to trot ahead. Then was later joined by the smaller female.

Skye: "So it's not like I forgot or anything but what were the rules again?" She asked to fill the silence, even if she already knew most of them.

Chase: "You don't have to worry about remembering them. I'm here so I'll make sure you don't forget them."

Skye: "I'm glad your here."

He looked over at her and half smiled for the compliment. Even though he would never say it aloud or when she was around it was nice to have her as company as well. The brown colored male wasn't even sure if he would've made it this far without her.

Chase: "Thanks. Now before we enter we're going to have to hide...that." He nodded his head toward the raft.

Skye: "We could just bury it like you did before."

Chase: "Good idea, I'll start digging."

After that was over and done with, Chase cleared his throat and told the day's overview and all the events that should follow. Well, more like should have.

Chase: "Since we ended up on the wrong island we now have to travel about two times as much to the South."

Skye: "Do you know if the other islands are going to be anything like Trustem?"

Chase: "We're about to find out."

He narrowed his eyes as he began to approach the unfamiliar place with caution. The instant feeling of having to face his past head on came in multiple waves of nervousness.

Chase: "You ready?"

Skye: "Not really."

At least he wasn't alone.

Chase: "We don't have much of a choice though."

Skye: "I was afraid you were going to say that. But, at least we'll be doing it together."

She lined up side by side with her companion and gave him a shaky nod, telling Chase she was a little timid but ready to proceed. So, they did.

Walking Southward they first reached a vegetation plain full of trees. More than likely surrounding the place of civilization. For some time they strolled through, anxious to what may occur. Finally, when they made it in the clear a worn down sign hung crookedly on a fence that stood about ten feet tall.

It read: 12 9 13 1, 16 5 18 21

Skye: "Weird. They could've just used letters."

Chase: "Maybe they did. But we should get going regardless."

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