Ch.9 12:00 AM

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Chase's POV: "I never expected to be like this again. Well I'm glad that I'm leaving this place...I don't really mean that. But I messed up again, no wonder Skye doesn't even want me around anymore. I hate it when she's like this though. And I don't know why but I feel mixed up with her, I don't act the way I do toward Marshall and Everest. Come to think of it, I don't think I hate her at all. Maybe I'm missing something."

Wandering through the forest, Chase had begun to deeply ponder about all the current events that had led up to this moment. The strange part was that he always picture this exact imagine in his mind a hundred times before. But it was different in reality, like most things.

Chase: "Where even am I?"

All around him, from as far as he could tell, there was nothing but the same organic and inorganic objects he has seen for about 5 minutes. Trees, rodents, a raccoon, trees, grass, small pebbles, trees, insects, fireflies, some good size rocks, twigs, more trees! Which come to think of it, became dull at times.

The moon, being his only source of light, was the only thing worth gazing at and every now and then he would, yet he avoided it ever time he could. It was too much of a distraction and too much of a reminder.

Chase: "We were headed to the lookout, but I went into the forest, and RC...and I woke up. Everest said to go straight? I don't even know where I am! Maybe I should go back. Will Skye forgive me?"

He looks back in disbelief, he doesn't want to leave, how could he? Guilt and regret struck his mind, telling him that this isn't what he wants. But he restrains his brain from making any decisions saying otherwise.

Chase: *sighs* "No. They're waiting. She's waiting."



Everest: "What do you mean 'oh no'?!"

Skye: "I told him to leave, and he is!We have to stop him before-."

Everest: "Woah woah slow down there Ms. Nonsense, what are you talking about?"

Skye: "Chase is going to a new island and it's all my fault!"

Everest: "What?! Why?!"

Skye: "I was upset that he was going to ditch us for another life on another island but I got it all wrong. He's going to see his family."

Everest: "How do you know this?"

Skye: "He said happy birthday to her."

Everest: "Uh...what?"

Skye: "Ugh! We don't have time! We have to stop him! If we don't...we'll never see him again, instead of visiting that island...he'll stay there, forever! I, at least, have to apologize!"

Everest: "But wait, he just randomly said that he's going away? He told you he's never coming back?"

Skye: "All I remember after the fight was that he said to take back his vehicle and his stuff inside it should be safe and kept protected or something like that. But the last thing he told me was that we both know he's biggest mistake, so apparently we know his greatest secrets."

Everest: "Weird, but still...I don't know, sure he wants to leave to see his family, but there has to be another reason. Why today of all days?"

Skye: "Look, I like to stay here and waste more precious time but I need to find Chase."

Everest: "I'll help you then."

The Cockapoo's face shifts into one of bewilderment. With hints of feeling like she was being swindled.

Memories, Secrets, and a MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now