bachelorette party

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Alex's point of view
I woke up I moved my hands around to feel Ironhide and Optimus. But all I felt was cold sheets. I opened my eyes they weren't here. I looked around I spotted a note on the desk. I picked it up "dear sweetspark me and Optimus went out with the kids we couldn't wake you you looked so beautiful asleep and Carly called and threatened us if we didn't leave she would kick our afts we'll see you tomorrow for our big day we can already tell your going to be so beautiful can't wait to see you at the alter well be waiting to see your beautiful face we love you so much we'll see you tomorrow-love Ironhide and Optimus". It said. I smiled I couldn't wait it's tomorrow I can't wait oh my gosh I can't wait. I got up put some clothes on some socks and shoes and brushed my hair and teeth it was already ten damn I sleep in a lot. I got my keys locked up and and got in my car I started to drive to Carly's house I drove in the drive way. I got out and walked up to the door I knocked I heard footsteps on the other side of the door the door opened "Alex!". Carly said happily. I walked inside. "What are we doing today since I can't see the guys for a whole day". I said. "I'm going to get dressed and then we're going to go eat". She said. She ran upstairs and went to get changed. I shook my head this girl I love her to death but she's crazy. A few minutes later she came down dressed and ready to go. We got in her car and drove to IHOP I totally loved this place. We went inside and they showed us where to sit. We waited and talked about tomorrow when a guy came over to us "hi their I'm Jason and I'll be your waiter today". The guy said. He winked at us wow this guy is a dick. He asked us what we're getting today. I told him the strawberry pancakes with a orange juice and Carly asked for the blueberry pancakes with a orange juice to. He left we both started to laugh "he thinks he's so slick it might work on other girls but not us". I said. Carly shook her head and laughed "nope he needs to work on his flirting skills a little bit". She said. Soon he came back with our food and drinks he winked at us again seriously he must be blind from not seeing my ring. We ate and talked about random things. We had a good breakfast the waiter came back and gave us the check Carly looked inside and laughed "excuse me hun". She said to the guy. He looked at her and smiled with a flirty look. "Yes beautiful". He said. She snorted "sorry to say Your our of luck she's getting married tomorrow and I'm already married". She said. We showed him our rings he blushed and walked away "What was on their". I said. "His number and it said call me". She said laughing. I started to laugh hard. This was to funny I may look like I'm eighteen but I'm actually nineteen I still look. We paid the check and walked out of the place we walked to the car and drove back to her place. We went inside and started to bake for tonight (the pic) it was fun it turned into a war though when we got to the flower we were covered in white head to toe we took a shower after. After that we talked about our men I asked her how sam was and she asked me how the guys were I didn't need many friends I got my sister in law I didn't need no body else. She was already telling me what color she was going to paint my nails and toe nails and we looked at the dress again and it matched the shoes to. We watched tv shows and funny Comedies. After six we took out the wine and we drank but not to much we didn't want a hangover when we woke up Carly made sure to put a clock for us to wake up tomorrow so we wouldn't be late. We then took out the many movies she had we watched the notebook which made us cry we then watched dirty dancing god Johnny was hot I loved that movie. Then we watched grease Im Okay on the musicals. Then we watched the walk to remember it made us cry a little bit. We are and cried during them. We then watched titanic again we cried it was a great old movie. Then we watched pretty women it was a good movie but that was the last movie we watched cause we both fell asleep on each other at the credits. It was a great time with my sister in law. We had food all over us that night it was a awesome night that I'll never forget.
Third person point of view with Optimus and Ironhide they were all sitting talking eating chips and other foods it was mostly the people that they knew from the base and the autobots in their holoforms and sam. "So Ratchet How did alex get you to walk her down the isle". Epps said. He rolled his optics "she begged me when I said no she faked cried till I said yes". The old man said. But what they didn't know was he had a soft spot for Alex and he didn't mind. Jazz looked to Optimus and Ironhide "I think I'm saying this for every guy here hurt her well kick your afts". He said. All the guys cheered agreeing with him. "Well never hurt her". Optimus said. He looked like he was in a daze. "Optimus what's wrong?". Sam said. "They miss her they can't spend a day without her". Roadbuster said. They all nodded their heads knowing the two couldn't stay away from Alex to long without missing her they soon came out of the funk and talked to the guys having a good time.

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