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Alex's point of view I woke up to light in my eyes

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Alex's point of view
I woke up to light in my eyes. I opened my eyes. I was laying on Ironhides chest. He was still asleep, he was so cute asleep. His anger lines weren't their. I smiled I loved my man in every way. Even if he was ugly I would love him no matter what he was mine. He had stubble on his cheeks I don't remember him having it when we got married but it's hot very hot. I bit my lip, how'd I get so lucky to have him and Optimus? His hair was pitch black just like his paint job, I love running my hands through it. It was soft so soft and he doesn't get mad at me for messing it up. I feel loved. His face looked like he was made by a god he was perfect. I could stare at him all day if I could. He was my husband my soulmate my father to my children. And I couldn't be any happier. I noticed he had put a shirt on from last night. I bit my lip last night was amazing. The way he touched me reminded me of our honeymoon. I touched the love bites on my neck mmm. I loved them they were evidence that I was his and his marks showed that he was mine.

I leaned my head into his neck and started to suck and nip. I heard him groan. I smirked, "good morning handsome," I said.

I licked At the bite I had just made. "If you keep doing that we'll go for another round like last night," he said. I giggled into his ear.

Ironhides POV
(Surprise haven't done his in awhile.)

I woke up to someone's lips on my neck mmm. I groaned and opened my eyes. Their lips were nipping and sucking at my neck. "Good morning handsome," I heard Alex's voice in my ear. She licked at the fresh mark she made god damn she's going to be the death of me. Didn't she have enough of me last night. I guess not but I didn't care. She was mine and only me and Optimus can touch her body no one else!!! Or I'll shoot their afts no one touches what's mine!!!! My beautiful wife my sweetspark she's my everything. If she died I would not just because of our joined souls I would rip my spark out for her. I can't live without her I can't. I almost lost her once I'm not going to lose her again not ever! She was my beautiful sparkmate. My beautiful wife my mother of my children. I couldn't go on without her even if she wanted me too. Case i knew what she and Ratchet talk about reversing the spark bond frag no! Even if their was no spark bond I would rip my spark out for her. She made me better a better person. No matter what people say I'm glad she made me soft. I love my wife I always will with all my spark.

She kept licking at my neck. "If you keep doing that we'll go for another round like last night," I said. She giggled into my ear. I loved the sound of it. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. Those deep brown eyes I could stare into all day if I could. I looked deeper, they held love and passion for me. Her eyes were soft they held no hate no disgust nothing just love and passion for me. I couldn't ask for anything else. She cupped my face. "I love you hide I always will you hold my heart I'll love you forever even after my heart stops beating my love for you will never stop," she said putting my hand on her chest where her heart was beating. I almost cried I loved her so much with all my spark I could repeat it all day to her to let her know how much she meant to me. I brought her into a hug her head on my chest. I had my arms around her. I wanted to protect her from everything I will protect all three of them their my life. They come before anything else. I just wanted to stay in this moment forever but I knew I couldn't. I just wish for once that no one was ever after us and we could live a normal life together that's all my dreams are about. But I knew they could never be real. I just hugged my wife wishing I didn't have to let go. I felt her hands run through my hair. I loved when she ran her fingers into my hair it soothes me. I purred yes I purred but who cares. Her touch makes me purr so what. Her touch does things to me You couldn't understand. Her touch feels heavenly, feels like I'm being touched by an angel. She was my angel. I heard her giggle into my ear after hearing me purr. I smiled I loved when I could make her happy. Her happiness was everything to me. All I ever want is to make her and our children happy. When their happy I'm happy.

I kissed her forehead "I love sweetspark always with all my spark even after it stops my love will always be yours forever," I said.

She smiled and kissed my lips. It got so heated that we made love in the back. I love this women so much.

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