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Alex's point of view
I leaned into the seat holding the girls. "You think he's going to be okay?". I asked ratchet. "He's a prime alex of course he'll be okay". He said. "Do you think Ironhide is okay?". I asked him. "Have you met him of course he's okay that fragers always in trouble but he'll be okay I promise Alex". He said. I sighed worrying about my husbands. We were still following them even with some difficulties. Now we were on the streets with other cars. Now we were being shot at. I took my seat belt off. I put the girls on the seat I rolled down the window. I raised my hand and fired fire balls at the ones shooting us. I felt a bullet hit my arm shit!!!! I became angry I fired more fire balls at them. I turned back around my aim was off the car kept moving. I turned back around. I grabbed the bandages from the first aid kit and rapped my arm knowing the bullet was still in my arm. I saw the guy in the car with the others go through a store or something really this guy was an idiot. We followed them. We then went through a alley. Went drove to a abandoned building I saw the decepticon and Optimus fighting the cars still behind us. Ratchet took us behind some crates. "Ratchet What are you doing they need help". I said. "I can't risk you both". He said. I groaned and rolled my eyes I kissed the girls head. And then I jumped out of the window. "Alex!". Ratchet yelled. I saw some of the cars follow me. I smirked. Time to play. They started to try and shoot me I moved out of the way. I raised my hands and fired fire balls at them. I did some flips getting out of the way of the bullets. I fired again and again. One by one they blew up. My smirk grew no one goes after my family. I fired more and more adrenaline going through my veins. By the time I knew it they were all gone. I breathed in and out damn I'm awesome. I heard tires behind me I saw the street racing car behind me. I then heard the sound of Optimus's horn. I looked he was okay. I started to run to Optimus. But then I heard an explosion behind me I turned back. I saw them they were running. I ran to them I grabbed Tessa's hand and I ran faster. The others behind me. We soon made it to Optimus we got inside of him. We saw the burnt body of Lucas I looked down Damn I feel bad now. We drove away I sat down on the seat I took out my phone and called Ratchet "Alex next time you do that I'm going to kick your aft I swear you scared me!". He said. I laughed. "You behind us you got the girls?". I asked him. I worried about my girls. "Yea I'm behind you I got the girls their okay". He said. "Thanks ratch for watching them". I said. "Your welcome". He said. We talked for awhile then he hung up after he said he'd talk to me later. We were now on the road. I turned to the others they were crying over Lucas it must hurt for them they lost their friend. We stopped at a gas station. We got out letting Optimus transform. He hit the ground. "My deepest sympathy for the lost of your friend stay here till I'm sure we weren't followed we are all Targets now". Optimus said. He looked at me he touched my cheek with his thumb I leaned into it. "I'll be back sweetspark". He said. I nodded kissing his thumb. He transformed back to his truck form. He left and then ratchet pulled in. I ran to the door of his car form I grabbed the girls from inside. So he could transform. "Mama!!". They cried out happily. I hugged my girls happily. "My babies mamas here mamas got you". I said. I checked them over to make sure they weren't hurt. "Mama hungwy". Iris said. Olivia nodded. We were at at a gas station. "I have to get them something to eat". I told the others. I walked inside the gas station. I looked around I saw little cereal bowls perfect. I got two of them knowing their going to be hungry and so was I. I got the milk from the back. The others came in while I was feeding them. I used the spoon to take the extra milk that was dripping from their mouth. "That's my baby girls". I said happily. They giggled at me. "Who are you?". The Irish guy said. "The names Alexandra Yeager but I recently got married over a little bit over two years ago my name is now Alexandra prime and the truck that were taking orders from is my husband so don't try to flirt with me he gets very jealous especially my other husband he'll put a gun in your face he is one mean robot but he is my husband". I said showing my ring. "Wait your telling me your his daughter I've never heard about and your married to two of those things and there's more of those things". The guy said. Anger flashed through me. I growled at him. "He isn't a thing he's my husband and more of a man then you'll ever be and he's the one of the fathers of my children so don't talk shit about my husbands or my friends or I'll kick you ass". I growled at him. I covered he girls ears when I said that. He looked afraid when I said that to him. I smirked. Then ratchet came in "she's right they'll kick your ass if you even think about flirting with here especially Ironhide". He said smirking. I got down after feeding them. I gave iris to Ratchet to help me burp them. I patted Olivia on the back to help her burp. I heard her give out a big burp. I giggled. She giggled thinking it was funny. I then heard iris burp. She giggled when she saw ratchets face scrunched up after smelling her burp. I laughed That's my daughter. Ratchet ruffled her hair then gave her to me. "Still haven't told him yet". Ratchet said. "Didn't get the chance to with the whole thing that happened I'm just waiting for him and Ironhide to see them". I said. "Mama who they". Iris said. I know she was talking about the guys. "My darlings they are you fathers that you haven't met you but you'll be able to meet them later okay my loves their going to love you to death". I said kissing their cheeks multiple times. They giggled.
"Hey ratch you got any diapers and clothes in your car so I can change them". I said. He nodded I walked outside I walked to the Ratchets car form. I went through the car I saw diapers and clothes and water bottles nice. I grabbed two of each and walked back inside and into the bathroom they had. They had a baby thing inside I took off my jacket and laid it down I didn't trust that thing it's dirty and had bunch of germs. I laid them down. I started to wash them with water bottles. I saw them looking at something. I followed their sight of direction. They were looking at my bleeding bandages. "Mama". They said. "Mamas okay my babies she's okay". I said. I put them in fresh diapers and footsie pjs. I picked them up and walked out of the bathroom. I walked up to Ratchet "hold them real quick I have to get something from your car". I said. He nodded and grabbed the girls from me. I walked out to the car and grabbed the first aid kit. I saw their blankets nice and some pillows I grabbed those. I walked inside. I sat on the counter. I opened the aid kit. I saw some pliers I knew on one of my arms they was a bullet still lodged in my arm. "Alex you got shot again". Ratchet said. "What do you mean shot again". Cade said. It was to weird to call him dad yet. "I use my powers and I get shot okay it's not that bad just some flesh wounds". I said. "Powers?". Cade asked. "Don't ask". I said. I grabbed one of the water bottles I grabbed from the car and started to wash the wound without the bullet. I ignored the slight pain. After washing it I wrapped it back up with a bandage. I looked at the other one this one definitely had the bullet in it. Learning from the best I knew how to take out bullets. I cleaned that one that hurt more then the other one since it was fresh. I grabbed the pilers I breathed out. "Let me do that". Cade said. He went for the pilers. I took them out of his reach. "I got it living with a medic like him it's easy to do I got this". I said. I ignored the hurt look on his face he's the one that gave me away I know it wasn't his fault it still hurt. I dug through my skin to get the bullet I hissed lowly. Everyone looked at me "I'm fine". I hissed. I soon found the bullet and pulled it out I threw it on the counter. It hit the counter with a Clank. Blood coated it, I took out another bandage and wrapped my arm tightly. "Bloody hell that was awesome". The Irish guy said. I looked at him "it didn't feel awesome". I said annoyed.
After awhile they started to argue about Tessa being with the Irish guy. I groaned in annoyance. "Yo pops chill you know how old my husbands are their over a thousand years old I stopped aging at the age of eighteen my husbands look like their in their early twenty maybe twenty twenty five so chill okay gosh we're in a war and you want to fight about this big deal". I said. I got off the counter putting everything back in the first aid kit. I wish I had someone to argue about me being with the guys not that I wanted to fight about them I just feel like my adopted parents didn't even try to argue about me being with the guys and this guy is arguing about his other daughter about being with a guy only three years older then her. I sighed and grabbed the girls from Ratchet. I walked outside. I wanted to show the girls the world since they never seen it before. I climbed on top of the gas station and held the girls in my arms. They looked around amazed I smiled. "This is our world my loves it might not be much any more but it used to be beautiful before the bad guys took over it This is our world when you fathers came it was the best day of my life but having you two was the most greatest day of my life I love you so much my loves I always will you are made out of love made out of me and your fathers. Everyone that's after us might say your fathers are the bad guys but their not their the good guys your fathers helped so many people my loves they helped me make you they saved my life many times I could count and I'm so great full to them I love your fathers so much. I can't wait for them to finally meet you their going to love you so much. I know their going to be so protective of you just as me and your uncle ratch is. You may be different from other people but that doesn't mean I love you any less I love you with all my heart your not alone in the world you mommy is different to so I'll be Their watching you grow and help you with anything I'll protect you with my life because you are my daughters my life my loves. And I wish I could show you the world you fathers came from I really do my loves and I think they would to if it was their. Your fathers will fight for you as will I I will fight till my very last breath for you I love you so much my baby girls you have no idea you are my heart my soul and you have my love just as your fathers do I love you to the end of the galaxy Going on forever thats how long my love will last for you forever it will never stop I promise you". I said. I saw it was getting dark the sun coming down and I heard the sound of the girls snores I smiled I would go crazy If i didn't have them I'd die If something happened to them.
I got down from the gas station and walked inside I set up the pillows and blankets I laid the blankets on the pillows and put the girls without waking them. I grabbed my jacket that was big enough to rap around them. Even in their sleep they hold each other's hand. I smiled and kissed their heads. "I love you". I whispered to them. I sat down watching them like a hawk. They went to sleep but I wasn't going to sleep I was going to watch over my babies even if I didn't get any sleep. It was late in the night. I was getting tired but I wasn't going to sleep at all I had to keep watch. I heard footsteps coming over. I looked at who it was. It was just Ratchet "Hey ratch". I said lowly trying not to wake the babies. "You need sleep alex I'll watch over the girls". He said. "But....". I said. "I had already got my sleep Your human you need sleep for tomorrow I'll watch them they'll be okay". He said. "Don't remind me". I said. I hated being human their the ones after my husbands and I felt bad my race was after them. "It's not your fault your risking to lay down your life for us no human had ever did that for us and we are always in your debt always your not like them". He said. I nodded. "I know I just feel bad I hate being human I wish i wasn't I feel bad that my race is after yours I wish I was different I wish I wasn't the same race as the ones trying to hunt down my husbands, but you still remember what I told you right". I told him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "About What alex?". He asked me. "Reverse the spark bound". I said. His eyes saddened and softened "Alex". He said. "Please ratch". I said begging with my eyes. He looked away. "Alex I can't". He said. "Yes you can Ratchet I don't want them to suffer the same fate I might". I said. "Alex I can't it won't change anything their love for you is to strong even without the spark bound they would still rip out their sparks I've seen it when you tried to save Optimus that one time the time that we all thought you were dead when Ironhide was holding you he was about to rip out his own spark to be with you and I don't doubt that Optimus wouldn't do the same Their love for you is to strong Alex". He said. I didn't know about that why didn't Ironhide tell me about that? "Why didn't he tell me?". I asked him. "He didn't want to worry you he and Optimus would make sure nothing bad happened to you even if the humans would be coming after us they love you to much". Ratchet said. "It still stands do it please Ratchet I don't care what you have to do no matter how hard they beg you not to please do it for me everyone here needs them their children need them please Ratchet". I said. He didn't say anything. "At least think it over please". I said. "I'll think about it you to get some rest alex we have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow". He said. I got off the counter I kissed the girls heads then I turned and kissed Ratchets cheek. "Thanks ratch". I said. He nodded. I walked in the back where my sister was laying down sleeping. I laid down next to her but not too close though. I put my head down and fell asleep. During the time I was asleep I felt someone's arms rap around me I didn't recognize them. But I'll deal with it tomorrow.
A few hours later
I woke up early before everyone else I felt the persons arms still around me. I also felt a blanket around me. I turned my head to see who it was I raised an eyebrow when I saw who it was. It was cade okay weird whys he holding me? I took his arm off me and rolled out of bed. Damn they must be heavy sleepers. I walked up to the front. I saw Ratchet still looking after them. "Hey ratch". I said. "Hello Alex how was your sleep?". He asked me. "Interesting". I said. A few minutes later the girls started to stir. I walked over to them watching their eyes open. They looked at me. I smiled at them. "Mama!". They said happily. "You guys hungry?". I asked them. They nodded. I grabbed the same thing I fed them yesterday their wasn't really anything in here for babies. After I started to feed them everyone started to wake up. It was almost time to go I grabbed my purse and filled it up with water bottles chips milk and cereal just in case. The others packed up and got ready to go. We waited for Optimus to come back. I turned to Ratchet. "Take the girls I trust you with them". I said. He nodded and took the girls from me. I got inside of Optimus I wanted my girls with me but I still didn't trust these people. We drove to some place called hole in the wall. They had a ATM Machine it won't do them so good the government with just close the account and they'll be here like flies on shit. They used the little dragon fly robot to do it. I was inside of Optimus rubbing his dash board I smiled "I love you so much baby don't ever leave me again you here me or I'll kick your aft". I said laughing. I kissed his dash. I felt lips on my neck scaring me. "Shit you scared me". I said. I turned my head. He kissed my lips

Her saviors transformers age of extinction optimus and Ironhide love story Where stories live. Discover now