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(Alex as a baby)
           Alex's point of view
I stood their waiting for him to say anything. He just looked me over. "You got her eyes". He muttered. Was he talking about my mom? I raised an eyebrow. The girl next to him elbowed him in the side which snapped him out of the trance he was in. "Come on in I'll explain". He said. I nodded. They started to walk toward the house. I followed their lead. We walked into the house wow looked like a real farm house to me. I saw little inventions on the ground parts laying on the ground. They lead me to the living room. They sat down I saw down away from them. They stared at me "can you guys not stare at me please". I said. It was a bit freaky. I saw the girl blush. "Sorry, my names tessa Yeager I'm eighteen years old". She said. "Hey the names Alexandra Yeager I'm twenty years old". I said. We both looked at cade. He sighed. "Okay okay I'll explain, me and your mother had you in our sophomore year our parents found out they weren't to happy we begged to keep you but they weren't having it your mother begged and cried to keep you even if at the age she was she loved you she didn't want to give you up but her parents said no we had no control over any of it, they gave us five months with you then we had to give you to the adoption center, after two years we had Tessa right before our graduation our parents didn't want anything to do with us by that time. We decided that we could go back to the adoption agency and get you back but we were told you were adopted only a few days later after we put you up for adoption, your mother was devastated she really wanted you back but we both looked over the people who adopted you it was a nice family who already had a son we thought we couldn't do that to you we wanted to you to have better then we could give you I'm sorry Alexandra". He said. I had tears in my eyes but I didn't let them see me cry. I wiped them away. "It's Alex". I said. They didn't say anything. "Where she now my mom?". I asked them. "She um she died a few years ago". Cade said. I breathed in a big breath of air. I'm okay I'm okay I didn't really know her I'm okay. I nodded. I ran my hands through my hair. Tessa cleared her throat "would you like a tour of the place?". She asked me. "Sure why not". I said. I got up and followed her.

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