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I spot Carina nearing the fresh fire I created and held her hands out to thaw out the cold from her skin, smiling at the satisfying feeling. Inside, I smiled with her too. I heard the familiar flaps of a raven, Carina and I snapped our heads at the source of the flapping sounds.

Diaval the dark raven landed on the horn of my head, cawing loudly to greet us. I shook him off my head as he flew away and instead, landed on Carina's extended arm. Gently, her finger pet the top of the feathery bird, snuggling closer to Carina's finger, clearly enjoying the attention that I barely gave him myself.

The female before me reached into her bag and pulled out the last loaf of bread she had owned in the past few weeks since her discovery of me, sometimes she would take a few nibbles on it, sometimes she wouldn't. At times, she would feed me some of her bread too, not allowing me to eat the whole loaf since Diaval found us, where Carina began to feed him too. And there she was, feeding the raven a few pieces already.

I huffed out a cloud of hot air, envious that Diaval already got his bread, when I haven't got any of mine today. I laid my head on my scaly arms, in attempt to get a good night sleep I desired for. Though, I couldn't as that raven cawed every so often, disturbing my sleep.

Moments pass, Diaval stopped cawing. I dart open my eyes to see where he have possibly gone to, only to find the bird sleeping peacefully on one of Carina's bag where he usually used as his nest. I huffed again when I figured he could've eaten the last loaf of bread Carina had, not leaving me at least a few pieces.

I laid my head again, deciding to find food tomorrow morning instead after a good sleep. However, I hear Carina's boots click towards my direction, I slowly lift my eyelids to find her sitting next to me, with half the loaf of bread she had in her hands.

"I can't forget about your meal for today," she smiled, the same feeling of fuzziness and warmth jolting around in my stomach. She handed me the last piece of bread and I gazed at it hungrily, but the thought of leaving Carina starving held me back from eating it, this was the last loaf of bread she had in her inventory.

As if Carina was reading my mind, she added, "You can have it, dragon. I may starve, but I can always find more. Besides, you are the injured one, if I leave you hungry, you wouldn't heal quickly! I can always start fasting," she giggled.

Sighing, I opened my mouth and gulped down the bread in her hand.

"How's that wing? Getting any better?" She questioned, averting her attention towards my injured wing. Her hand found its way to my wing, stroking it lightly to make sure she didn't cause me any pain. I nod my head at her as she kissed tenderly where my wing broke, a shot of extreme warmth deep down inside of me.

She looked at me with her chestnut-like orbs, "That's good. I hope you can fly soon." She smiled when she said that to me.

I wished I could respond, but I knew I couldn't. I was still in my dragon form and I didn't want to show her who I really was. I couldn't shift back long ago because my wing was injured at the time as a dragon, and when I'm injured, I can't ever return to my true form. Now that it was recovered, I was too afraid to shift because of Carina.

And I blame this mess on that bloody Prince Phillip! He will pay when I plot my revenge on him, however, if it weren't for that man, I would not have met Carina. I have to be honest with myself, Carina was special. She was different, that was why I treated her differently than the other people I have encountered before Carina.

She was courageous, she wanted to help me, and she was kind I can tell. She was willing to give up her time as a huntress to take care of my injured arm and Diaval too!

Wait, I know this feeling.

I hate it.

I absolutely do, I was falling in love.


I can't let this happen again, I can't let my feelings for Carina get to me like it did when I fell for Stephenie. Love is weak, I'm stronger than a thing such as love, it's a foolish thing. I loved Stephenie and she loved me in return, sadly, she betrayed me only to win another man she desired for, she made me feel like nothing, she made me feel like a fool.

And Carina was no fool, and I wasn't going to let her make me feel like that, no. I attempted to let go the foolish feelings of "love", but I learned it seemed harder from just the looks of it. I absolutely hate that I was falling in love with Carina, this young huntress, has she spelled me when I was asleep? Surely not! This is just me.

I felt something heavy lean onto me; I turn my head to Carina to find her out cold already, looking ever so peaceful. Carina, you're too beautiful to even step foot into this dangerous world they call earth, you don't deserve to be in such a world, you don't deserve to take care of a scary dragon as I am. Carina had braided her dirty blond hair, loose pieces of it to frame her face perfectly.

Again, the same "love" feelings returned to my stomach, how is she doing this to me? I have to fight it even though it was going to be hard, even for a sorcerer like me.

Sighing, I flapped my wing and covered her with it to act as a blanket for her, in case the fire I created died out in the middle of the night so she needn't to feel cold and would have to search for more wood to create more fire. Carina beamed lightly when I laid my wing on her, she snuggled closer to me as she fell back asleep.

I adored her face when she slept, the bright fire shone on her face, the freckles made her look flawless in a way. And there I was, describing how fair she was, even when she was asleep! For goodness' sake, I was the master of all evil, cursed a bloody princess with the infamous "100-year-sleep" they would say, I could shift into a large and powerful dragon if I wanted to, I could cast any deadly spell at the flick of my fingers and a simple chant, but really, my stomach jolts around excitedly and the warm fuzziness worsens it . . .

When I near this girl named Carina De Nova?

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