- Chapter 9 -

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Pov Nathan
When they were finally done with me, Peter took a photo and walked away laughing with his friends. Chrissy sniffed my face curiously but I pushed her off me. It was almost dark... My dad and Angela must be so worried... I sighed and took my phone after I put Chrissy back on the leash.


"Sim, with me, I need your help" I said while tears came running down my face. I just couldn't hold it anymore.
"Nate? Are you okay? Where are you?" he asked and I could hear him packing his things, ready to leave his house.
"The park..." I whispered.
"P-please come and get me..."


"Omg Nathan, are you okay?!"
Simon sat down in front of me and took Chrissy from me.
"I-I'm fine..." I sighed.
"Can you stand?" he asked and pulled me up.
"Y-Yeah, I guess so... Can uhm I crash at your place?"
"Sure, I'll patch you up" he said and smiled weakly.
"Come on"


Chrissy ran around the room while Sim sat in front of me with the bandages. This wasn't the first time he patched me up after Peter beated the shit out of me... I flinched.
"Sorry" he muttered as he went on. I heard my phone ring but didn't care.
"Aren't you gonna take that?" he asked while cutting the bandage off.
"No" I said. Simon looked at my phone anyway and saw all the messages Jace send me.

"Dude, he's worried sick about you" Simon said and looked at me.
"W-we had a moment earlier today..." I whispered hoarse.
"I-I kissed him..."
It was quiet for a while and not much later Simons phone rang. He picked on with auto pilot while taking care of me.

"Hi with Sim" he said without really looking who was calling him.
"Omg Simon, you have no idea how glad I am you picked up"
Was that Jason? I recognized his voice instantly.
"Jason? Hey, calm down, what's wrong?" Simon asked like he had no clue.

"Have you heard from Nathan today? I-I've texted him a thousand times and tried calling but he doesn't answer and I just want to know if he's okay"
"He's fine Jace" Simon replied calmly.
"What the heck are you doing?" I hissed quietly.
"Hang up!"
"Simon, is Nate with you?"

Silence. He had us, great... Simon put the phone on speaker and signed me to stay silent.
"No" he answered Jace.
"But he did stop by today. He looked fine, you shouldn't worry"
"Y-you think so?" he asked, still not convinced.
"Yes, just let him be for the weekend. He's still pretty upset" he said.
"I-I mean, he was still pretty upset, you know, when I saw him. Earlier today"

Nice move Simon... I groaned.
"O-okay, tell him I'll give him his space. We'll talk after the weekend" Jace sighed.
"Great" Sim smiled and hang up. After that he looked at me, satisfied.
"Look at that, I just bought you a whole weekend of time"
"It's saturday evening" I stated.
"So what?" he asked and started to bandage me again.

"I can't believe you just did that"
"Just sit still" he muttered. I groaned angrily and shut up. Why did he always do this? Maybe because I couldn't do anything about his behavior? Because he was the only one who actually cared enough to patch me up? I hissed in pain as he added something to the wound on my head.
"I know it hurts, but by the looks of it the cut isn't that deep so it should be okay" Simon said and he took the bandages again.

"How did he even make that cut on your forehead?"
"Don't know" I sighed and stared at the ground.
"Alright, let's talk about something else" he suggested.
"You kissed Jason"


"I get you don't wanna talk about it, but we're gonna do it anyway"
He looked me in the eyes and grinned.
"How was it? Is he a good kisser?"
I didn't react and he laughed.
"Oh that great huh?"
"Shut up" I muttered and blushed.
"So you liked it? The kiss I mean, or Jace too maybe? Ooh, are you in love Nate?" he asked grinning and pushed me a little.

"Can you just focus on the cut on my forehead?" I asked, not wanting to talk right now.
"Oh come on Nate, why in such a grumpy mood?" Sim asked.
"Wait, does this mean what I think it means? Do you like him?"
I just stared at the floor and Simon finally got the message.

He worked on quietly without speaking another word. Chrissy laid down beside us on the ground and it only took a few minutes before I was good to go.
"Thanks, I'll see you at school" I said and took Chrissy's leash.
"What? You're just gonna leave?" he asked.
"No fucking way Nate. I called your dad, you're staying here for the night and we're gonna freaking talk about this shit" he hissed.

I was a bit shocked at his reaction. He never acted this way...
"Now sit"
He pointed at the chair I just stood up from. Man, he looked angry... I slowly sat back down and he stared me down.
"Are you in love with Jason?"
He was dead serious...

"Yes..." I said and tried to avoid his gaze, even though I couldn't.
"Is he in love with you?"
"I-I don't know..." I admitted.
"So what you're gonna do about it?" he asked and crossed his arms.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean, how are you gonna find out if Jace has feelings for you? And what if he has? What if he doesn't?" he asked.
"What is your plan Nathan?!"
I looked at him with big eyes. W-what? Was he serious? He looked so angry...
"I-I d-don't know..." I whispered and felt tears sting in my eyes.

"Of course you don't! You're freaking useless!" Simon hissed and punched the table. After that he left the room and left me alone with Chrissy. He never acted like this before... Something snapped... But why? When? How? I didn't know... He was never this agressive... This was my fault, wasn't it?

I made his life so much harder than it needed to be... I guess he finally realised that. I finally lost my best friend... I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes. He said I'm useless and he's not wrong... But he was right about everything he said. I need a plan... I can't lose both him and Jason... I-I just can't...

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