- Chapter 37 -

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Pov Nathan
"So my mom texted me that I could come back home tomorrow, can you help me pack my stuff so she can pick up my suitcase in the morning?" Jace asked as I was looking at cars I would never be able to afford. It was already the end of the week and tomorrow was Friday. The whole 'my boyfriend is actually a serial killer' shock had passed and things were back to normal. He also had to vow never to kill again or I would kick him out of my life right away.
"What are you doing?" he asked and looked at the cars.
"You know I have my driving exam in two weeks" I sighed.
"But isn't your birthday in two weeks?" he asked, to be sure I guess.
"The day after, why?" I asked.
"Oh that's gonna suck if you fail" he joked and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, laugh all you want but Angela got our mothers old car and chances I get one if I'll pass are slim"
"So what's your dream car?" he asked and took the pc.
"I mean, which car would you absolutely want if you could choose from every car there is?"
"If I could really choose from every single car in existence, you mean?" I asked.
"Why are you asking?"
"Just curious" he smiled.
"I mean, we never talk about cars so I have no idea what you like and stuff"
"Well, I've always liked Tesla..." I started and he typed on the laptop.
"So? What do you like about it?" he asked as he gave me the pc. I started explaining and pointing out the things I thought were pretty cool and Jace just listened and took it all in.
"And of course, it's electrical so eco-friendly" I finished.
"Yeah, I see what you mean... I'll be right back" he said, stood up and left the room without another word. What? What just happend?

Pov Jason
Everything was just perfect. I told Nate we were going to out on a date to celebrate. He passed the test! He had his licence! If he hadn't it would be a total disaster... So today I woke up at sunrise to make sure everything was perfectly fine. I even made a group-chat to organize the whole surprise party I was throwing him. Angela had been the perfect insider for over a week now and I saw pictures of the location I rented. The decorations were on point and I had hired a chef to cook for everyone together with some butlers and a dj to make the party complete. Like you might know is money not the problem for me and Nathan deserves to be spoiled every once in a while. And it was his 18th birthday! That's special!
"Happy birthday my beautiful sunshine!" I shouted as I ran into his room. He shot up, immediately awake.
"W-wha? How did you get in?!" he asked, while trying to get his messy hair back down.
"Angela let me in" I grinned and gave him a birthday card.
"You'll get my real present after dinner tonight"
"You really didn't have to do this" he smiled as he opened the card. For my favorite dork! Happy B-day!!! xxx yours truly
"Ooh, it's so cute, thank you"
He gave me a small kiss before getting dressed.
"So what are we gonna do before dinner tonight? I don't have any plans so"
"Just relaxing" I smiled.
"And maybe watch a movie while we're at it?"
"Great idea, I'll pick" he said and followed me downstairs.

"Thanks for dropping me off at home Angela" I smiled. She picked us up after the movies.
"No problem" she said and winked at me.
"I'll make sure our little birthday boy is ready for tonight"
"I expect nothing less" I smirked and gave her a small wink before they drove off. I can already hear Nate ask... What was that all about?
"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled and saw her getting the last few boxes ready.
"Good, your clothes are on your bed and Max and Chrissy are with your grandmother... Is there something I'm forgetting?"
"Nate's dad can be here any minute, he'll help you with everything" I said and started checking the boxes if everything was in it.
"This is gonna be the best birthday party ever! Nate is gonna love it!"
"That's because he's lucky to have someone as sweet as you" mom smiled.
"Now start getting ready! You need to be at the Wheelers in 2 hours, hurry up a bit"

"Hallo cutie, you look great" I grinned as he opened the door.
"Thanks handsome, I could say the same about you" he smiled and locked the door behind him.
"Home alone?" I asked.
"Dad had a dinner meeting with work and Angela had a date with Nick so yeah, home alone" he sighed.
"So far for being the birthday boy, right?"
"Oh shush, I'm sure they've given you an amazing gift" I said.
"The order is delayed so my gift isn't even in the country yet" he stated.
"I'll probably get it in a few days though"
Or few hours... I thought by myself.
"Well, you'll get mine tonight, that's for sure! Now get on that bike and get those legs moving!"
He laughed and drove after me.
"It would help if I knew where we were going" he chuckled as he drove next to me.
"I told you, it's a surprise!" I said.
"And I promise that you'll like it"
"If you say so" he smiled. When we were only one street away I stopped. We were standing at the edge of the forest and Nate frowned.
"Why are we stopping?"
"To blindfold you" I laughed and got the black cloth from my pocket.
"Are you serious?" he asked, not really in the mood to play around.
"Just do as I say, it'll be fun! I promise!" I said as I took his sight from him.
"Trust me okay?"
"I don't really have a choice, do I?" he chuckled as we started walking.
"No you don't" I smiled and guided him to the right building.
"Okay, now watch your step" I said as we got up a few small stairs to get to the door. My hired staff opened the door for us and everyone was just looking at us, waiting for the sign to yell surprise.
"Are we inside yet?" he asked.
"Yeah, give me your jacket come on" I giggled as I pulled it off.
"When can I get this stupid cloth off my face? It stinks" he stated and a few supressed a laugh.
"Okay? Ready?"
He nodded and I took the blindfold off. Everybody jumped up and yelled surprise. His face was more than worth all the effort I put into this...
"Happy birthday, my beautiful ray of sunshine" I whispered and kissed him.

I'm NOT a faggot (UNDER EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora