Chapter (8)

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Picking up my little sister from school was always a hassle, many parents with cars parked all over the place, children running around after being dismissed I didn't like It one bit and having to pick her up 4 days out of the week was way to much for me.

"NICY!" Running up to me I bent down to her level and scooped her up in my arms. She was holding a big finger project that looked like a total mess to me but got her four gold stars on It.

"Hey Nani, you enjoyed school?" My sister was only in kindergarten and everyday she comes home with a story of how her day went.

"Yeah, after we sang the alphabet we did finger painting me and my friend Lilian made this and we got 4 gold starts on It." Holding up the paper for me to hold she pointed to the stars rapidly showing me her best work.

"Wow I'm very proud. Would you mind if I hung It in my room?"

"Yeah, Yeah, hang It in your room. I want mommy and daddy to see It too." Taking a minute from walking I placed the painting in her tiny bag then took her bag and put It on my back.

"Ok they will. And I hope you are hungry because mommy made us snacks." Skipping along side of me she nodded her head and we continued our journey home.


After finishing up some homework my mom and dad still weren't home and I was getting pretty hungry.

Going in the kitchen I looked at the clock and It read 6:00, around this time my mom was usually starting dinner and my dad was watching the sports channel as usual.

"How can I help you?" Answering my phone I.t was Theo calling for the second time today. After I missed his call Sunday night I called him back Monday morning and surprisingly he answered, we talked a little while I was getting ready for school and then I hung up because Liv was coming down and I didn't really want her all in my business. It now being Wednesday our calls were starting to feel regular to me but I didn't want to get my hopes at all.

"Damn ma, just wanted to talk to you. Don't really got nothing to do up here so I thought maybe you could keep me entertained." Pulling a water bottle out of the fridge, I reached further to grab some cake before answering.

"So I'm something to do when your bored huh?" Laughing a little his voice seemed to have gotten a little deeper with me saying that.

"Nah, I don't do females out of boredom that ain't my style buttt..." dragging out the but he was being extra and I was anxiously waiting to say something. "You know if you want that we can arrange something." Sucking my teeth I held the phone in between my shoulder and ear as I sucked frosting from my fingers.

"Do you want me to call a quits already?" Smiling at his laughter I began digging into the cake opening my bottle of water.

"Chill I was only joking, but I actually did call for something very important."

"I'm all ears."

"Ok well my mother invited your whole family to AJ's funeral next Friday so I thought I delivered the news to everyone instead of her because she had her hands full with everything else." Clearly my throat I didn't really know what to say so the line got quite for a bit.

"I'll let my family know for sure." Mentally smacking myself for how long that took me to say I was waiting for his reply but all I got was shuffling.

"Hey you still there?"

"Yeah." Chugging the rest of my water Theo was telling me his plans for Thursday nightand I felt like he was throwing little hints for me to come

"Oooo, movies with friends sounds fun I hope you enjoy yourself."

"You aren't going to make this easy are you?" Gasping I was going to drag out everything at this moment, the energy was kind of low for some time and I wanted to bring It back up.

"Easy? What ever do you mean?" Placing my hand on my head I knew he couldn't see me, Theo was mainly the goofy one when ever we spoke so I guess tonight was my turn.

"Moenice, would you like to come with me and my friends to the movies this Thursday night?" Making a mmm sound I tapped my finger against my chin to seem like I was thinking. I never really tell my mom and dad that I'm dating so I would have to make up a lie if I did in fact want to go on this date.

"Girl come on. Don't do that."

"Do what? I'm just thinking over my agenda and seeing if I can squeeze you in between the many other guys asking as well." Sighing I heard him smack something on his line and shuffling began to happen again.

"Well you tell them other lames that you busy and you coming with me, cause now you ain't got no choice." Laughing hard I simply said ok and told him I would call him back because my mom and dad came laughing through the door and I didn't want them in my business either.

"And where have you two been?"

"Minding our business, you sister sleep?"

"Yes and I would like It if you two didn't wake the poor girl up, coming in waaaaay past your curfew."

"Wait Honey."

"Yes hun."

"I thought we were the parents?" Shrugging my mother lightly tapped his chest.

"Apparently not tonight, we are sorry mother we will be in our room when you are ready to punish us." Laughing they both walked to their room my dads arm wrapped around my mothers shoulder. I was happy to see them laughing together, it brought true joy to my heart and I really started thinking about maybe one day I could be like them.

"Hey... you wanna take a walk with me?"


Just a filler, tell me how It is so far.

Sb: if the I.t's look weird its because my phone is acting really funny.

Rixy. B🍭

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