THE Pain

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"Spartan near let's bring the fear we are the best since we are here to cheer!!!"

"Yell louder Sami!" Loral yelled at one of the sophomores in her section. I'm surprised she can still yell after 2 hours of doing it non stop, even I have gotten a little quieter.

"Next Cheer is Spartan pumped." I nodded my head and told my section even though they probably heard Loral.

"Pump it up...up up up now Spartan going win this game it'll be like always lets get this win boys so we can cheer down the hallways!" I did a last hoorah and a high kick and finally I heard the halftime buzzer. Time for band rock our stadium. And I could take a well deserved break.

"Good job ladies!" Loral yelled once again, but right In my ear this time.

"Loral what the fuck my ear is bleeding."

"Stop being a baby I'm not even that loud."

"Lies." A new voice said and I immediately figured it out who it was as soon as his sweaty arm reached across my shoulders.

"Get your arm off me Jax's. You are sweaty." I say with pure disgust in my voice. I hate sweat even my own.

"Oh come on you love sweat because you love me and my loves are your loves." I enjoyed when he tried to be witty. It was stupidly dumb and made me laugh.

"Idiot." Jax covered his heart like he was offended by my rude comment and ignored what I said about his arm on my shoulder and continued walking with me to the locker rooms. It was a comfortable silence as me and Jax just walk to the locker room. He pinch the side of my stomach in a soft way but it was to get my attention. I looked up at him curiously.

"Do you want to grab food tonight I'm thinking Mexican?" I turned my head up in disgust and not because I didn't like Mexican food it was because he already knew what I wanted and I hate unnecessary questions. "I know, I know, stupid question. We'll go to the diner." I smiled contentedly. I didn't even have to talk to get him to understand me. That was our friendship.

"I hate us." I said and he nodded in agreement and kept walking. We walk past the locker room, I guess enjoying each others company talking about random things and right as we past the lunch rooms that's when I saw it, Damsel was talking to Ethan and from the smiles and laughter, they seemed like they were having a jolly old time. Fuck him.

"Is that him?" I nodded my head yes, aware of the fact that Jax has always been on the popular side of school and has never interacted with Ethan. At the time me and Ethan were no where near popular back then.

I noticed Jax fist clench next to my face since his arm was still around me. I have two options let Jax fuck Ethan up or walk away.

"Half time is almost over." I turned around quickly and made Jax turn around with me by putting my hand behind his back and squeezing his hand that was hanging off my shoulder. He looked down at me and his face immediately softened.

We begin to walk back to the field and we space out. I don't know why Ethan has only been back for a day and he has already effected me. I hate the feeling that I feel when he is even near me. And as much as I wanted it to be animosity. It wasn't, it was a pain. A heart throbbing pain. I physically felt drained seeing him with damsel enjoying himself. I remember when we used to be like that, laughing with not a care in the world but each other's well being.

"Do you miss it." I looked up at him and it didn't take an Einstein to figure out what he meant. Do I miss being unheard, unseen and happy with the love of my life eating and making out in the library and late night talks. No pressure and free. Of course I do but I could never admit that.

"No." I said because on the other hand I do like being popular and a cheerleader. Having a sore throat after every game. People envy me and to have control. I like the power I have over this school and I liked the pressure it came with. I would of never gotten to be the person I am without the boy standing right next to me though. Telling his friends about me switching my classes so I could have classes with him and queen Loral. He made me realize that I wasn't supposed to be a church mouse and more like a star.

"Good." He laughed out I also laughed at this and we continued walking with my mind made up about one thing. I'm ruining Ethans life.

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