THE Friendship

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"Why am I here Kian?" I turned to Ethan and smiled.

"Because I need a shopping buddy and I missed you. I missed us." We were currently at the mall because I needed to shop for some clothes mine are getting boring.

"I missed us too but you have friends for that." I rolled my eyes tugging him along to Pacsun.

"None of them are as cool as you." I said but this is what I used to do with Jax and I haven't spoken to him since yesterday day and normally on Saturday's we would spend the day together but instead, I found out tapping through Megan's snaps he's with her. I admit I did kinda fuck things up between us but I thought maybe my million texts last night would of help. It didn't.

I looked over at Ethan who picked up a shirt and it was terrible. I shook my head no and moved on. I was almost done in Pacsun when his phone went off. Odd considering he doesn't have any friends and his moms at work.

"Who is that?" I question. He looked up at me but smiled

"no one."

"Come on who is it?" I was curious now. He doesn't normally keep secrets. He shook his head no as if he was not going to answer and that was enough for me to make it a challenge. He put his phone in his back pocket like an idiot and kept walking. Once we walked around for a little bit I bumped into him hard while grabbing his phone at the same time.

"Key what the-" he stopped when he realized I had his phone. But he smiled like an idiot.

"You'll never guess the password." This made me smile because I already knew what it was. I knew him and just because we haven't spoken for two years doesn't mean I forgot things about him.

"5426." The smile on his face instantly dropped.
"Maybe next time don't make it my name." I commented going to his message and his most recent one was Avery.

"Why hide the fact that your texting Damsel." He took his phone back and rolled his eyes. He hated that I called her that.

"I don't know maybe cause you were under the impression that I liked her which by the way jealousy is not a good look on you."

"What do you mean?" I snarked. I hope he wasn't referring to me.

"You ruined her life you know." I rolled my eyes at the exaggeration. I haven't thought about her once since I saw her in the hallway and from what I gather her and Danny boy worked it out so I didn't really ruin anything if anything Loral put in more work into that than I did.

"Oh come on she's a bitch deep down she shallow minded and just a wanna be main character and I wasn't jealous her existence aggravate me so I decided to do something about it and I'm done with her now."

"How do I still love you." I looked at him and from that one sentence the mood completely shifted because I know this is the part where im supposed to cry tears of joy jumping back into his arms and get back together or maybe kiss again and say 'I love you too' but, all I could think about was Jax.

"When you kissed me after our argument near my car because of the black eye what did you feel during and after?" He turned a little more straight towards me this time and looked into my eyes as if it was too painful to admit to himself that we have changed.

"I cant say it Kian, I thought this was a fresh start." He was looking away I guess concealing his tears. I really didn't want to cry today but I guess this was another conversation we needed to have, but I never expected it to be in a Pacsun.

"Well I Don't want to say it and I hate it just as much as you, but I felt nothing. It was just my lips on yours." That day we blew up at each other and he kissed me it was nothing compared to the kiss me and Jax shared. It was saddening and kinda relieving because it only came down to one guy now. Jax.

"Maybe if we try again without all the emotion." I laughed and so did he. We both sniffled. I came close and kissed him even though he was partially joking. I wanted to close this door. The door that said getting back together with your ex was still an option.

The kiss felt like nothing again. We pulled apart and just looked at each other kinda knowing what this meant.

"When we kissed before it was amazing. It was amazing I felt the love in every kiss we shared. Don't get me wrong I still love you, but I don't think I love you like I did before and to answer your question I don't think you love me either." He nodded at me. I'm guessing he agrees with me because if he felt something, anything I think he would speak up.

"We are friends Key, best friends for life and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with us moving on as long as we are happy, as long as you are happy." I smiled and hugged him. Feeling slightly heartbroken that I fell out of being in love with him. That my dreams for us ever getting married, having kids and growing old with some dogs is shattered. That's life though, we didn't get the happy ending of a love story but we got the happiness that we deserve from a friendship that will last forever.

This made me remember what I told him that night, that even if we break up we will still always be best friends.

"But I do have a girl in mind for you that thinks your hot because damsel is with Daniel. Have you ever heard of Megan?"

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