The PAST [Bonus Chapter]

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This is how Jax and Kian first met.

Jax POV: 2 years ago

"Why are you still dating her then?" Daniel rolled his eyes at me. He is the most annoying guy on this planet. We were currently walking down the hall leaving power training because coach said we could leave early, luckily this was the class right before lunch and I thought we were going to head straight there, but Daniel has decided to complain about Loral while walking to her class to surprise her. Cute right... Note sarcasm.

"I Dont know I mean I love her or at least I think I do. We mesh well." I laughed, they can't mesh well if he complains about this girl every day, I thought but didn't say it out loud so I just shook my head.

"Whipped." I yelled but He pushed me and smiled.

"Date a girl or care about one as long as me and Loral have been together and then come talk to me or judge me about dealing with her crap and how I should just break up with her." This made me laugh.

"I will never do that especially not when I'm a sophomore, I like not being tied down or giving a girl more than a date or two."

"Exactly, but now I have to go and be the exact opposite of you so bye." I waved him off as he went to Loral's class. I could never be that fucking whipped. Or even imagine being in love. From what I hear about it, it sucks. Love sounds more like a cage and I hate feeling trapped or even the thought of having someone have such power over me that I do whatever they say sickens me.

I walked further down the hallway and thought about all the cons of love and my football plays since I'm second string QB and will probably be playing for the first time today.

I turned down another hallway then I heard the faintest sounds of crying or maybe weeping.


I found myself following the sound down a completely different hallway away from the cafeteria. As I got closer and it got louder there was no one insight down this hall. Am I crazy? I didn't see anyone and was about to turn around when the cry got a little louder and then I saw a little nook that you could not tell was there unless you looked.

As I approached the nook the crying was louder and definitely not a figment of my imagination. I was standing right in front of it now or the person crying and it was dark so I couldn't see them too well. Once whoever was down there noticed my present towering over them they tried to control there sobs.

"Are you okay?" Dumb question, of course, they are not okay, Idiot.

"Yeah don't mind me I'm just crying because I'm okay." It was the most angelic voice I've ever heard even with the voice being filled with rudeness and so much sadness it was still beautiful.

"Sorry dumb question I was just trying to be polite."

"Well maybe you should try to be, I don't know less annoying." If anyone else would have said this to me I would have walked away and let them cry it out, but for some reason with this girl who was still hiding her face from me or just the world made me feel as though I needed to stick it out, because she peaked my curiosity. No girl has ever been rude to me before and interested me like her.

I sat down on the floor with her and just stared into the nook of darkness.

"What do you want?" she said to me. Still keeping her guard up.

"Well first I want a Juul but without the nicotine, I'm not trying to vape my life away." This made her laugh but it was short and sweet and I was convinced I would do just about anything to hear her make that sound one more time.

"You are so..."

"Charming, because I get that a lot." This made her laugh again and it was like a drug. I need another

"I was going to say stupid but that works too." I laughed at this, but cutting through my laugh was the lunch bell meaning everyone in the west wing was off to lunch. Luckily we were just on the border of the east wing. No one coming to interrupts our conversation.

"Why don't you come out Of there and come see my stupid face a little closer. Because it's way stupider up close I promise." I said after the bell went off hoping that I could see her face. I just wanted a little look.

"Nice try but no. I'm very ugly and I like that I can see you and you can't see me but you should go to lunch." I smiled doubting that a voice that pretty could come from an ugly person.

"Okay well if you tell me what you are crying about I'll leave." I bargained with her.

"No way, not good enough, but thank you for making me feel better. Maybe you should take up peer mediation you'll be good at it." I guess she is quite the comedian.

"You are funny, but come on if you tell me it's not like I can tell anyone. I Dont know your name and can't see you, besides it will make you feel better." she sighed and sat there for a minute. Not saying anything. I had almost given up when she started to speak

"I'm crying for a friend okay. A friend." I nodded understanding where this was going.

"My friend got pregnant by her Boyfriend. His name was Ethan and a month and a week ago he kinda just left her. She doesn't know where he is actually." I was shocked not expecting this but didn't want to seem judgmental.

"Is your friend keeping the baby?" The sniffles came back and so did the tears. Oh no. I had no intention of making this girl cry again.

"My friend lost the baby last weekend and sometimes she just cries about it for no reason." I could feel myself getting worked up. My face getting hot and I was tugging on my hair.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I whispered cutting the bullshit. I looked away from the nook to wipe my eyes but felt arms around me hugging me. I turned back and hugged her back. She needed this more than me.

When we pulled away I noticed she was out of the nook and my heart stopped. She was the most beautiful girl. She wasn't wearing any makeup like most of the girls in my grade but still looked amazing, she had thin pink lips and very long hair. Her glasses took up most of her face but through the lens was her oceanic blue eyes that were very red but made them stand out more, her eyelashes were stuck together and her hair was perfectly out of place. She was more beautiful than her voice. She was more beautiful than the word beautiful could even describe.

"What's your name? I asked because I've never seen this girl around school.

"Kian Bloom." She said wiping her eyes and giving me a weak smile.

"What about yours?" She said still a little shaken up and a crying masterpiece. She's a cute crier which is rare. I want to make sure she never cries again even if she is a cute crier. I just want to be there for her.

"My name is Jax and now you have a friend and I promise I won't leave you."

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