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"Let me know how I can help." I smiled at Jax as he pulled out of my drive way.

We had just got done eating breakfast and coming off of my hangover. I found him on the bean bag in my room asleep. I was so sick and confused having no recollection of anything after shots and maybe looking at Loral dance with a guy at the party. I apologized to Jax for being so desperate and helping with the scapes on my knees from falling or whatever Jax said. I really got black out drunk. I don't even remember walking to my room.

Over breakfast we talked about how I was going to ruin Ethan's week and as for Damsel I was still questioning whether I should hurt her because she didn't really do anything to me.

I came back into the house to be greeted mother. She was sitting on the couch watching a GOT rerun. She's never up this early. Unless she wants to talk to me and at the moment I'm still pissed.

"Hey Honey." She said with a sweet voice I looked at her and walked past her going up the stairs with full intentions on ignoring her.

"Sit down." And of course she pulled the I'm your mom card and I of course I did what she said. I sat on the couch and she didn't say anything. Now I'm getting annoyed.

"How long did you know?" She looked up from me, surprised I assume at my question.

"2 weeks." I laughed. My mom was my best friend and she kept this from me for two weeks.

"Your unbelievable. You know what he did, you know our past, you know how much I loved them and you still regretted to tell me that he was back or coming back."

"I'm sorry." She said below a whisper I could tell she felt like shit but so did I.

"I cried three times yesterday wait four times considering and he's the reason behind it all and you didn't tell me."

"I guess I just was scared."

"Of what me getting depressed again or my reaction." She looks up at me and proceeded to cry.

"I'm sorry." And regret instantly fell over me. I didn't mean to make her cry. I hated when my mom cried it was sad.

"I'm sorry too mom but just tell me why you neglected to tell me that the boy who left me was coming back."

"I honestly don't know honey I guess I-." She trailed off I guess not wanting to tell me or not wanting to lie. I didn't want to push anymore she was already crying.

"Okay well you are forgiven just don't do it again please." I began to walk up the stairs and dream about the amazing shower that I was about to be in.

"Okay well since we are not keeping secrets my loving daughter they are coming over for diner Friday night." I was so taken back by her words that I tripped going up the stairs.

"No." I deadpan I was not going to allow it I was not going to let that bastard take one step into my humble abode. Fuck that.

"Yes." My mom opposed me. But I looked at her right back. This was to far. Not telling me the inevitable was one thing but this could be prevented. The dinner did not have to happen and it won't on my watch. My mother eventually broke eye contact and proceeded to go in with reasons why we should have this dinner.

"You love DeDe" She said refer to Ethan mom. She was the best and still is. She's like my second mom well was. When I asked her where her son went she proceeded to keep me in the dark and ended up tearing our relationship apart but when shit hit the fan she was there for me and I loved her for that.

"This is true but I hate him." And there it was again. That same pain I felt when I said that.

"Why do you even want to have this dinner?" She gave me a knowing look. I knew this was coming. And this was the same look that Jax gave me when I first told him Ethan was back. This was the main thought that went threw my brain when I finally got the idea that he was back settled in my brain as. I have to tell him.

"You have to get this off your chest sweetie and tell him the truth." I shook my head no but my brain knew she was right. Fuck.

"Fine but Jax will be there."

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