Chapter 7

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Once reaching home, she can't think of something else but her night with Clark. She loves him so much that she would die for him. She would do anything for him. As she enters her room, she continues the homework that she was working on before going to Clark's house. Then there's a knock on the door.

"Jodie, I think it's time for bed," her aunt says, her head peeping out the door.

Jodie looks at her watch then back at her, "Yeah, auntie. Just a moment."

Her aunt nods then close the door. When Jodie has finished doing some last details on her essay, she starts packing her things into her bag. Once she's done, she throws the bag at the corner of the room and goes to sleep.

- - - - -

When school is finished, she goes to the Talon with Lana like they planned last night. As they are sitting, talking and getting to know each other, Jodie is hoping that she would bump into Clark.

Once Jodie has finished her coffee, and so does Lana, they both stand up bumps into a girl, all her books falling into the ground.

"I'm sorry." Jodie says, reaching down, helping to get her things. And so does Lana.

"Oh, no. It's fine, really." The girl says. When Lana and Jodie has all her books, they give it back to her and make eye-contact.

"Here." Jodie says, handing the girl's things.

The girl smiles, "I'm Heather Wilmoth." She smiles even bigger and putting out her hand for a handshake. "You don't see a lot of people like you around here." All of them chuckle.

"Jodie. Jodie Herling." Jodie replies, and Heather stops handshaking Jodie. Her face is sprinkled with shock, as if she's a celebrity.

"Jodie? Aren't you Lex Luthor's cousin?" Heather asks, star-struck. There's a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I have to go," Jodie says, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, me too." Lana says.

"I have work to do." Heather lies. They all say good-bye to each other and go separate ways.

As Jodie exits the Talon and walks along the sidewalk, she was confused about the girl. How did she know that I am cousins with Lex? I know that he is well-known but--

Jodie gets her thoughts cut off by someone pushing her making her fall down manhole that was open for some reason. Jodie falls butt-first and she sees that the water in the manhole was green. Not dirty green like there's garbage, but the type of green that glows. It's absurd. She feels tingling in her hands and it turned into water.

"What the--?" Jodie is confused and questions are running through her head. She stands up but she can't. Then she noticed that she is the water.

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Hei :)

This chapter is dedicated to @MissOperaGhost because she is the first stranger that voted for the last chapter (Chapter 6). Thank you so much :)

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