Ch. 2- The Answer to all things

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Nessie's POV  

After my mom was off the phone she went to find my dad.

When they got back they had uncle Jasper, uncle Emmett, and Grandfather with them.

"Oh come on. I don't think she'll flip out like you think she will, Edward." said uncle Emmett, flinging himself into the loveseat.

"Is it that bad?" I asked him as he turned on the TV.

"No, not really."

Dad and uncle Jasper sat on each side of me. We waited for a few minutes.

Then Mom flew out the door. "They're here," she said coming through the back door followed by Sam, Quil, and Jake.

They sat on the couch across from us. I leaned over and showed my dad an image of Jake leaving.

He nodded. "Umm. . .  Jacob would you step outside for a bit, please."

He had a confused look on his face but got up and went outside. I watched him walk out sadly.

"Okay," I said turning around to face my family, "explain."

"Renesmee, you know how much we love you, and you know how Jacob is a werewolf, well they have this thing called imprinting." My mom started to explain.

"Wait...what is imprinting?" I asked stupidly.

"Imprinting is, when you see her everything changes. Suddenly, it's not gravity holding you to the planet anymore it's you or that one person..." My mother finished.

"So your saying Jake imprinted on me?" I said with enthusiasm.

"Nessie" my father said. "When you were born, when Jake saw you for the first time he had this feeling inside of him and then he said he couldn’t help it, he knew you were the one. He had imprinted on you."

"Ness you should have seen your mothers face... It was hysterical" Uncle Emmett interrupted my dad.

"Shut up Em" my mother yelled.

"So yes, Jake did imprint on you" My mother said.

"That is terrific, I was going to tell you that I had a love, romantic way of feeling toward him today I didn't know why though." I said.

“Well, I guess things are on both sides of the fence.” Emmett hollered.

“Emmett, would you just shut up, for goodness sakes.” My mother yelled back.

Then, without warning Jake came into the door.

Fire Hits Ice:A Jacob and Renesmee Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now