Ch. 9- Why of Course its a Bad Thing

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A/N Hey Guys... I hope your liking this story... I know its been like over a week since I've posted last... I was in Vegas visiting Family... but here is Ch. 9............ Please comment and vote...... I love you guys:D I promise you things are going to get way better... trust me..... comment and vote I love you guys:D 


Ch. 9- Why of course it's a bad thing

Nessie's POV

I was in my room getting ready when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

It was Seth. "Um...Nessie can I please talk to you?"

"Yah of course Seth anything, I too have something to talk to you about." I answered.

"You can go first Ness"

"Well then, I saw that you imprinted on Brittany. And I just want to say congratulations but I have this one concern. You do know that Brittany is in love with Zack and Zack is in love with Brittany?"

"Ness, I do know that that's why I came up here to ask for some advice, I love her more than Zack will ever love her. I can protect her more than he can. It's just how am I going to persuade her to love me back, I know if she doesn't love me back that I can only be a friend to her or whatever she wants me to be. But I don't want to be single or alone the rest of my existence." Seth confessed.

"Seth, this is really complicated and I don't even know what you should do, but for right now, we need to focus on getting to Ice Cave and finding that Vile."

This was going to be hard I can already tell. Seth was worried about Brittany not loving him when he should be thinking about how to save her first, if he didn't then there will be no Brittany to love.

"Seth, how about you go talk to Sam about this, he might know what to do about this whole imprint ordeal, and I'll worry about how to save Brittany."

He nodded and headed back to the Cullen house.

I picked up my phone and dialed Jake's number.

"Jake, come over we need to talk."

"What's wrong Ness, what happened, are you okay?"

"I'll tell you when you get here Jake." I hung up the phone and yelled for my dad.  

"Ness, Alice had a vision." My dad spoke.

"Dad, what was its about, please tell me."

"She saw that we found the vile in Ice Cave."

"Oh thank goodness, when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, so please get some rest and pack... warm clothes because Alice said it's going to be very cold."

"Alright dad but right now I have to ask you something, it's about Jake."

"What about him?" My father asked with some anger in his voice.

"Dad, I love Jake and I'm old enough to be with him, he imprinted on me and that should show how much he cares and how much he would do to protect me, why can't you see that? Why can't you learn to accept that I'm growing up and already almost full grown."

"Ness, your right, you should be able to be with Jake, he does care for you and I know he will do anything to protect you. I can't accept that you're growing up, you're my little princess and I don't want you to grow up. I love you. But you have my permission to be with Jake."

"Oh my goodness, Thanks daddy I love you so much..."

"But, I have a condition; please don't do anything at this time. It's hard enough I'm letting you be with him, so please save yourself until you get married." My dad said with a red face.

I knew it was hard for him to talk about sex.

"Dad, I promise. I don't want to do any of that yet, I just want to be with Jake and now I can kiss him without you trying to kill him."

"Ness, Just be wise about your freedom and be responsible about it. That's all I ask."

"Um... Dad, Jake is coming over any minute now to talk about Brittany so don't freak out, were not going to do anything okay?"

"Alright Ness, just please get packed and get some sleep for tomorrows trip. I'll go check on Brittany at Carlisle's house while you and Jake talk. Good night Nessie."

"Good night Dad."

Then I heard a knock. 


A/N........ Hey guys I hope you guys liked this chapter, It took me a while to write it!  

The picture is Seth Clearwater 

You guys know what I am about to say 



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