Ch. 14- Why?

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A/N.. Hey guys thanks so much for your comments, i really appreciate what you guys are saying. I'm trying to get this story to be a little more detailed and not so fast. I hope you like this chapter, I really put a lot of my time into it. I also put a lot of my feelings and emotions into this chapter to make it good. Thanks so much for commenting:D 


Ch. 14- Why? 

Jacob's POV 

I walked in to the house. I could hear someone crying. I looked over at Tanya and she pointed to the bathroom. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. Bella walked by and smiled. She was headed toward the bathroom. I wonder why Ness was crying. I opened the fridge and giggled to myself. I had forgotten that these people don't eat. There was nothing in the refrigerator except water and some plastic food. I grabbed water and sat down in the living room. 

I turned on the T.V. just to see Renesmee bursting the bathroom door open and running out the front door. I could hear her talking to Edward. I walked outside to see Edward heading to his car. I scanned the driveway. No Nessie. I looked confused and headed to Edward's car.

"Edward, where is Nessie?" I asked kind of panicked.

"All she said was that she loved me and started running, she blocked her mind so I couldn't figure out where she was going." He answered.

I felt water dripping from my eyes. I couldn't hold my feelings in any more. Why did Renesmee just leave like that? 

Edward motioned me to get in the car. He sped off. I looked out the window and I could tell we were back in Forks. I got outside of the car and ran up their driveway. I went inside and checked Nessie's room. She wasn't there. I fell on my knees and started to cry. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go Jake; we need to get back to Alaska to help with Brittany." Edward spoke with compassion.

Edward had never talked to me like this before. I nodded my head and got up.  

I was silent for the rest of the drive. I didn't want to talk to Edward. Edward looked over to me and sighed.

"We all love her" he said with sympathy.

I nodded and turned my head to the window. It was snowing. The snowflakes reminded me of how Nessie and I use to play in the snow and build snowmen when she was just a little girl. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I really did love her. I was so scared that she might be in danger. I just had to find her. But where did she go?  

When we returned to Tanya's house Bella was outside the door staring intently at me. I got out of the car and walked over to her.

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked.

She sighed, "I just got a text from Renesmee." She answered.

"What? What did she say?" I questioned.

"She said she loved me and that she is okay and not to go after her, she will come home when she is ready." Bella spoke trying not to cry.

I couldn't believe it; Ness just left us just like that. I hope she is really okay and nothing would hurt her. I heard footsteps in the house and walked inside.

Seth was walking outside.

He was crying.  


A/N... Hey guys so what did you think? Was it slow enough for you guys? Was there better detail?... I hope you guys liked it cuz i put a lot into it.. Please comment and vote:D Fan if you haven't would be nice:D Thanks so much.. 





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