Double Date 1

621 47 74

:) Double Date; Reddie/Stenbrough (: 

- they all go together in one car 

- Richie drives, Eddie is shotgun, S&B are backseat 

- they would n e v e r go to a fancyass restaurant 

- the choices were mcdonalds or subway 

- Richie and Bill said mcdonalds, Eddie & Stan said subway 

- they ended up going to subway after a v fluffy argument 

- Richie and Stan are fighting about the songs 

- "Richie! You can't put on that song! It's not Christmas yet!" 

- "Jesus Christ, Stanley, appreciate the vibes!" 

- "G-Guys, just shut up and p-put The Clash on!" 

- "Thank you, Bill! Now you two shut your asses and get a good parking spot!" 

- Stan is a mf g e n t l e m a n

- he opens the door for Bill and e v e r y t h i n g 

- meanwhile, Eddie locks Richie in the car 

- S&B don't notice until they're in line 

- "E-Eddie, where'd you put R-Richie?" 

- "Oh, gosh, I dunno! Where could he have gone?" 

- Stan looks out the entrance door and sees Richie banging on the window of the car from the inside with his fist  

- "Seriously, Eddie?" 

- Bill forced Eddie to go and unlock him 

- when Eddie opens the car door Richie literally jumps out and falls on the concrete ground on top of Eddie [on purpose, oops] 

- he just kisses Eddie all over his face for punishment bc he knows Eddie's 2 pet peeves are;


2 germs

- "Eww- Richie, get- off- of- me!"

- "Not 'till you call me daddy"

- "And why the hell would I do that?"  

- Eddie threatens to call the po-po for child abuse and Stan eventually pulls Richie off of him 

- Eddie doesn't talk to Richard the w h o l e t i m e in line 

- Richie is annoying a s f 

- Stan is just a m a z e d at how any toppings u can choose from 

- Bill is just;;;; idk, staring @ Stan the whole time 

- some dude behind them yells to hurry up & interrupts everyone's staring 

- they all got twelve inches 

Eddie; steak, egg, & cheese (+ spinach & green peppers) 

Richie; meatball sub w the s p i c i e s t sauce they had (v regrettable choice, may i tell you) 

Stan; Italian B.M.T 

Bill; splits w Stan 

- Eddie is s t i l l ignoring our manz Richard 

- meanwhile S&B r v close to making out 

- Eddie gets every1 random drinks [as a surprise] 

- he gets Richie some nastyass soda, Stan Brisk iced tea, Bill coke, and himself sprite 

- and you c a n n o t tell me that Eddie is the one person who d o e s n t get the s a m e goddaMN drink every time he goes somewhere 

- because he always does 

- S&B r being so sappy 

- meanwhile E is s t i l l not paying attention to R 

- he eventually gives in and they get two straws so Richie can share Eddie's sprite like a lovely old grandpa couple 

- Eddie actually had a v hard time ignoring Rich so now he's like, snuggling into his side and hugging him and twisting his hair in his fingers 

- and Richard is f u c k i n g  m e l t i n g ™ 

- meanwhile Stan & Bill are just s t a r i n g into each-others eyes 

- eventually cant take it anymore so they excuse themselves to go suck faces in the bathroom 

- while Eddie and Richie are over here being s o  s o f t that its not even funny 

- l e f t o v e r s  b i t c h e s 

- everyone is sleepy when they leave 

- stan has 2 drive bc n o  d o u b t Richie would fall asleep on the wheel if he drove 

- they barely made it back to their shared apartment 

- s n u g g l e  t i m e  y o s 

- E&R sleep on the floor 

- Eddie gets on top of Richie's stomach and falls asleep w his arms around the taller boys' neck 

- Richie, once again, is f u c k i n g  m e l t i n g ™ 

- R falls asleep w his arms around E's waist 

- Stan and Bill r on the couch 

- Bill is curled up into a ball next to Stan's stomach 

- m e l t i n g  a l l  a r o u n d 

- they all fall asleep and live happily ever after 

- the end b i t c h e s 

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