Valentine's Day™

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:) The Losers Club; Valentine's Day (: 

I was supposed to post this on V's day, oops... sorry, here it is now (": 

- all of the Losers absolutely l o v e V's day 

- even Stan, even though he wont admit it 

- step one: they all go to some random restaurant that Ben picked 

- they got a hugeass round table 


- all the random peeps were staring them t f down 

- the Losers didn't give a  f u c k 

- Richie had his arm over Eddie's shoulder practically the w h o l e time like wtf 

- Stan was holding Bill's hand under the table 

- everyone was s o  s o f t 

- the waiter is n o n  h o m o p h o b i c  b i t c h e s 

- everyone made eye contact, which plainly said, 

- ' we're giving this bitch e x t r a  t i p s ' 

- Richie is kinda screaming 

- all o the old grandmas were shushing him 

- Eddie had to kiss him straight on the lips to shut him up 

- which worked quite effectively, if i do say so mehself

-  Stan and Bill share a coke w a double-straw like an old man couple 

- Bev n Ben share a milkshake 

[ - Bev kinda hogs it] 

[ - Ben doesn't mind] 

- Richie and Eddie feel bad for Mike, though he doesn't mind 7th wheeling 

- they share a h u g e  a s s sprite w him anyways 

- Mike is my grateful lil bean 

- Richie orders spaghetti, careful not to get meatballs bc Mike is sitting r next to them 

[ - the spaghetti annoys Eddie v greatly w his endless teasing] 

- Eddie got pancakes 

- don't ask bich 

[ - he named one of the pancakes Steve] 

- Stan and Bill are once again sharing 

- they got this huge, and i mean h u g e soup bowl 

- Bev gets pizza 

- ma boi Ben gets Ticken Chenders 

- Mike gets a nice salad 

- theyre all eating until Richie makes a vine reference 

- and Mike is like, 

- 'rIgHt In FrOnT oF mY sAlAd?!?!?!' 

- so soon every1 is making Vine references 

- it soon turns into a full blown out w a r 

- surprisingly, Bill wins w all of his awesome Vines at the best times 

- the waiter even joined in at one point and congratulated Bill 

- for the second time, every1 made eye contact and said, 

- 'bitches, we giving this waiter e x t r a  e x t r a tips'  

- once they were done eating, everyone went into the bathroom hallway and pulled out their wallets 

- they eventually pooled out like thirty bucks 

- the whole thing was like fifty bucks 

- so Eddie went flirting w some d u d e and managed to steal a motherfuckin s i x t y dollars from him 

- h o w  t f 

- Richie is suuuuuuuuuper jelly bc this guy actually seemed to like Eds

[ - bc, yaknow, Eddie's p hot]

- so as soon as he got back Richie attacked his lips

- 'aww!'

- 'eww!'


- so they payed everything and gave the waiter a t w e n t y  b u c k  t i p 

- she was so grateful 

- they left and went to the cinema nearby 

- they kinda , uhm , snuck in , uh ,  bc they didn't have enough money , i mean - 

- they watched 'Terminator' bc, yes 

[ - come at me if that movie wasn't out at that time, i just know the movies, not their dates ] 

- Eddie curled up into Richie's side and hid his head into his shoulder at the 'scary' parts 

- Richie is melting, i repeat, Richie is m e l t i n g 

- Bev gets a picture of them 

- 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!' 

- 'fuck you, molly ringwald!' 

- Stan and Mike lowkey cuddled 

- Bill was too obsessed w the movie to notice anything 

- Ben fell asleep on Bev's shoulder 

- when they got back to their shared apartment, everyone was tired 

- but the party aint over yet b i t c h e s  

- the second they walked in the door a bucket of rose petals spilled at their feet 

- a banner w 'happy valentines day, Losers' was strung above the island 

- a paper-cut-out arrow was pointed to the freezer 

- it was filled to the b r i m w icecream and cakes 

- everyone was trying to find out who did it 

- they figured out it was Mike 

- Bev was actually crying, so you know how special it was to them 

- they had a huge group hug w Mike in the middle 

- they stayed up till like 11 eating and singing 

- eventually everyone fell asleep in the living room 

- happy days :) 

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