Youtube Channel™

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:) Losers Club; Youtube Channel (: 

[ this is v short idk what to do for it :'( ] 

- tbh no one has a clue why they made it 

- Stan just popped up one day and was like, 

- ' yiperty doodle lets make a Youtube Channel ' 

- ' why? ' 

- ' because i said so ' 

- Bill agreed bc why tf not 

- Reddie is usually the co-star 

- Stenbrough is the main star 

- the 4 do random crazy stuff together 

- water bottle flip challenge, mixing gross foods and eating them, blah blah blah 

- people actually watch this stuff, man 

- ' guys! we actually have a subscriber! ' 

- ' nuh-uh-uh, not one, but two subscribers! ' 

- ' why does it matter?!??! i was close! ' 

- ' that's what she said ' 

- ' shu-shuttup, Richard ' 

- Bev is t h e  m o m 

- she guards the channel to make sure no h8 is given 

- if it is she goes and spams t f outta that person 

[ - she eventually blocks them + reports them oops ] 

- Ben films the videos bc he da bom at recording 

- Mike organises the page 

- them 3 get in the video sometimes bc the c r e w needs a t t e n t i o n 

- sometimes they all go on a road trip 

- Richie almost broke the camera once 

- Bev s w o r e she would make him pay for it 

- sometimes they fall asleep in the middle of the video 

- it's either one of these two: 

- only some of them fall asleep so the people awake record themselves drawing all over the body 

- or all of them fall asleep and leave the camera on [ on accident ] so when they wake up in the morning its dead 

- Eddie charges it when they wake up 

- ' why the f u c k is there a video of us all sleeping on here? ' 

- ' some randomass stalker dude came and set it up '

- ' aww,,, Manlon was cuddling! '

- ' w h a t  t h e  f u c k is Manlon? '

- ' Bev and Mike you dumbasss '

- ' why Manlon? why not Harsh or Bike or Mev or Meverly or Mikarsh or Banlon? '

- ' s h u t  u p Reddie ' 

- ' party pooper ' 

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