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Annabelle POV


As I got my things out of the trunk, I thought about what's gonna happen when we get inside. Is she gonna hurt me or is she gonna be nice and then hurt me. In the end I know she's gonna hurt me. Everyone does. I am just waiting to be beaten and sent back. My walls are gonna stay up and they are never coming down. I was pulled out of these thoughts by a hand on my shoulder; I instantly flinched and stepped away.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..." Demi said with concern in her eyes. At that point I just shrugged. Of course she says that. Everyone does. 'I'm not gonna hurt you and then turns around and stabs you right in the back. They hurt you.'

We then walked up to the house. Demi unlocked the door and walked in with me trailing behind her like a lost puppy. She then turned to me and asked if I wanted to see my room. I just nodded.

"Your room isn't the best. I haven't designed it yet, but we can do that tomorrow." she said as I placed my bag on the floor near my bed. I just nodded.

"I guess I will let you settle in." She said as she walks out the door. I was a little surprised that I haven't gotten hit yet. I just sit on my bed, no use in getting unpacked when she's just gonna return me back to the orphanage.

I just sat on my bed and got out my pad of paper and pencils. Oh I forgot to tell you guys, I'm and artist. I love to draw and paint. In the orphanage I would draw nonstop, Mrs. Cray told me once that I was very talented, but I don't think so. I started to draw a little house in the woods with mountains and some wild animals in the forest. I guess a few hours past because when I looked up and out my window the sun was almost completely down. Just then I heard a knock on my door. Demi opened the door slowly. I just looked at her.

"Hey are you hungry?" I just slowly shook my head no. She then looked at the notebook of paper laying on my bed.

"Hey what are you working on?" she said a little confused. I just picked it up and handed it to her. No reason to have her mad. She carefully took it from my hands; she looked puzzled at it and looked at me. " I had no idea you were and artist. You are very talented Annabelle." She then looked like she was in deep thought. The next words surprised me so much...





A/N: 2 UPDATES IN 1 DAY!!!! You guys should be proud of me.

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