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Annabelle POV

I woke up the next morning at 7:00. Ugh I'm not a morning person.

"Come on! We have to go!!!' Demi came in and said.

I got up and got ready for the day. I was wearing a black hoodie and some jeans, converse and my hair was in a pony tail. This is the one outfit I'm most comfortable in. As I went down stairs I noticed Demi sitting at the table with her phone and some coffee. I picked up my backpack and made sure my notebook was in there with a few writing utensils and a binder for my classes. I have a feeling that today is gonna go by slow. I walked up to Demi and waved to her. She looked up and said

"All ready?" I just nodded. She grabbed her keys and we left.
As we neared the school I started to get really nervous. My palms started to sweat. I just had to calm myself down. I cannot let Demi know I have really bad anxiety. I will just be a burden to her.

I got out of the car and waves at Demi.
"I'll pick you up right here later. Text me if you need anything okay." At that she left. I got my notebook out and I started walking the where the front office is. I quickly wrote down 'can I have my schedule' and my name. I showed the front office clerk and she nodded and smiled.

Once I got my schedule I went looking for my locker. I was really lost but I found it. I'm really glad I got here a little early. I couldn't get it open. I finally on like the tenth time got it open. I put my books In there and grabbed the morning ones.

I went to my 1st period class, Mrs. Hall, for English. As I walked in I noticed everyone's eyes on me.

"Hello you must be Annabelle, correct" I nodded "I'm Mrs. Hall and you can sit right there." She said as she pointed to the seat in the front row. Great. Note the sarcasm.

As the day went in I had to start telling/ writing to people that I don't talk. Everyone that I thought would be my friend left once I said it. Girls started to stare and whisper and guys too. I was already known as the freak. Oh the feeling that I know so much.

When the day was over I walked right up to Demi's car and got in.
"How was your day?" I just shrugged and and stared out the window. It was awful. Kids are so mean. Like really I don't talk that doesn't mean I'm a disease or something. Am I really that bad. I guess I am. Everyone else thinks so....

A/N: sorry for the crappy chapter. Anyways thanks for reading:)


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