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Annabelle POV

"Wanna have an art room. You could draw anywhere and anytime." I just stared at her in shock. No one has ever gotten me anything as my own. I then nodded slowly. She just smiles. "Let's get to bed.. We are going shopping in the morning.

I woke up shaking and drenched in swear. I had a dream about when my foster brother raped me countless time. I then heard feet on the hardwood flooring. Demi busted through my door. I just sat there wide eyed.
"Are you okay.?!?! I heard screaming!"she said with worry written across her face. I just nodded. She looked at me curiously... "Bad dream?" I just nodded again. "Wanna talk about it?" I looked at her like she was crazy. I guess she noticed because she started to chuckle. "I guess that wasn't the best question. Haha....... you do know you don't have to be afraid to talk to me. I won't judge anything you say." Why would I talk to someone I've only know for like 8 hours. I haven't talked to Mrs. Cray for 3 years and I knew her for like forever. We sat there in silence for another 5 minutes. She then got up and walked out the door and to her bedroom I'm guessing. I just laid back down and slowly drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. God I love me some bacon. I got in the shower, quickly got dressed in a light pink blouse button up with some faded light blue skinny jeans. I then put on my white sandals. I put on some light makeup, which consisted of some foundation, powder, mascara, and some light pink lipgloss. I walked downstairs and went in the kitchen. Demi sat there on her phone. When I walked in she glanced up and smiled.
"I like your outfit." I just smiled and grabbed an apple. At that we left for the mall.

A/N: I'm SO sorry that thus was crappy. I think I'm gonna rewrite it too. Anyways thanks for the votes. KEEP IT UP!

I would love some feedback on how you guys like this story!

I will update soon...


Finally Feeling WantedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon