Can't let her in

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Annabelle POV

So yesterday, Demi signed me up for school. I start in 2 days since today is Saturday. I'm kinda nervous, like what if they bully me for being weird. I was always teased in the orphanage so I kinda figure it gonna happen in school too. I mean 8th graders can be brats.

Demi tries to make me either speak or at least make me say some kind of noise but I refuse. I can't talk, not now, not ever. She just doesn't understand it. She asks questions all the time when I don't have my notebook and when I just shrug my shoulders she sighs. She is always telling me to let her in and trust but I just can't. I can't let my wall, I worked on so hard on just crumble. She annoys the crap out of me sometimes. Anyways other than that we have been okay. I asked, well wrote, her to see if I could customize my art room's walls and she said yes! I have only had enough time to start on one wall though. I just painted chevrons with the colors dark purple and white.

Painting or drawing for me is like singing for Demi. It's a way to express my feelings. When my demons are trying to take over I just start drawing. It's relief without my blade, but sometimes even doing art doesn't work... It's those times when I'm at my low points. It's those times when I can only rely on one thing to give me the relief I need, my blade. I know, I'm so fucked up, I don't talk, I hear voices and I cut. Ugh why can't I be normal!

Sorry it's so short. I promise to update soon!! Thank you guys for all the reads:)


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