Getting worse

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It's been 3 months since Demi adopted me. I still haven't spoke and she hasn't found out about the cutting. It's gotten a little worse. I barley have any more room on my thighs and have started on my stomach. Demi seems to be slightly sad that it haven't talked to her yet, but she understands. School have been hell. Everyone bullies me, physically and mentally. Plus I have no friends to defend me. I'm completely alone in a world full of people. Have you ever felt like that. We'll if you haven't it feels like crap. Anyways the good new is that they only kick me in the stomach. I don't have any bruises on my face that I have to lie about to Demi. They also tell me I'm worthless and fat and other things. I've started to believe them, so I have been on a small diet. Anyways yeah my life is just so perfect.. Hah sike!

A/N: I know this chapter is complete crap. I will edit it sometime. I just don't know what to write anymore. I need ideas. Please comment and help me with some! Thank you guys:)


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