When I entered into the brothel I saw my men swanning around with the working girls, they seemed to be civilised enough till one of my men was thrown down the stairs and landed at my boots. "Captain!" He exclaimed as he looked up at me.

"Mr Jamerson what are you doing on the floor?" I asked and crossed my boot over my other one, and my arms over my chest, an unamused expression painted across my face.

"Just enjoying myself captain." He replied. I nodded and whistled for my men to assemble they came out from the rooms, and from downstairs. Everyone was staring at us. 

"Why do you ruin our fun?" One of my men asked.  

"Because I've had a complaint." I said walking around my men. 

"Oh?" My quarter master asked. 

"I need you to all have fun but please act like civilised men!" I exclaimed. "Now go have fun." I said, I looked over to Jack and he nodded at me. As soon as I walked outside Vane caught me by my arm. 

"That was quite a show on the beach." He said. 

"I was driven to it." I told him. 

"Because I punched John?" He asked. 

"Yes." I growled. 

"I suppose I should have expected it," he said giving me a side smile.

"You Mr Vane have a lot of making up to do." I replied pushing past him, he still hadn't let go of my arm. 

"I'm not finished." He said tightening his grip on my arm.

"Well I am." I said sternly and attempted to pull against him. He pulled me back a little so I was standing in front of him. 

"You think you can embarrass me in front of your men and your fathers?" He snarled. 

"You needed to be taught a lesson and so I taught you it." I replied, he grabbed me by my throat and pushed my back up against a wooden beam.  

"Now you listen to me I'm the one who decides who needs to be punished not you," he said tightening his grip on my throat. I rested a hand on his wrist and dug my claws into his hand till it bled, only then did he release his hand. "You may be in the clear for now but just remember I will come for you." He said, I then stormed off rubbing my throat. I walked to the beach past John, Gates and my father. I take a handful of sea water and rub it on my neck, I've heard it helps to heal the bruising on your throat. 

Just as I get up to walk away my father walks over. "What's that?" He asked pointing to my arm. "Who did that?" He quizzed me. "Vane?" He spat. 

"Doesn't matter." I replied. 

"It does because I'm going to hurt the man who did this to you!" He exclaimed. 

"I wont tell you!" I yelled leaping off the sand. John rushed over and stood between me and my father, resting a hand on his torso and mine. 

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