Chapter 10

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---Lane's POV---

My back arched instinctively with each pet over my back, purrs lazily rumbling through my chest. Fingers traced over my spine all the way down to my hips, swirling around before going back up. Sleep slowly pushed out of my mind, allowing me to wake up and stretch lazily.

Jethro's chest rumbled under my own, especially when I crawled up to nuzzle his throat. His finger reached up, soothingly petting through my hair as I purred before blinking my eyes open. His strong jaw filled my vision before I was lifted away from his neck and then pulled down in a smoldering kiss.

"Morning kitten." His voice was deep and raw, making me shiver in delight. I simply purred deeply, sighing a content, "Morning Sir." He chuckled, hands reaching down to kneed at my ass cheeks, which instantly made my skin heat up underneath his attention, as well as my erection to swell against his thigh.

I yelped and shot upright though when his hands playfully landed against my ass with a resounding smack, a blush lighting up my face before I laughed with him. "Time to get up and do our tasks. I want you do run the border on your own today."

Nodding, I slipped out of bed, fussing with the covers when Jethro slid out of bed himself. He shot me a proud smile as I made the bed and fluffed up the pillows, not wanting to bother him with those small yet mundane tasks.

The second I was done and got permission, I shifted and bounded out the door. My tiger was in an exceptional good mood with the knowledge that Jethro had accepted us and even trusted us with the protection of his territory.

My whiskers twitched as I roamed through the woods, traveling quite a distance to get to the very edge. Yet all the while I felt Jethro's presence in the back of my mind, soothing and reassuring.

Inhaling deeply, I basked in the warmth of the morning sun, easily finding my way through the woods. The scent of old leaves, a hint of rain in the air and the dampness of the moss covered soil wafted up from the floor with each step I took.

A few deer scrambled when they noticed my approach but I didn't pay them any mind, save for a flick of my tail. Instinct demanded I chased them but for what? I wasn't into useless bloodshed; I wasn't hungry, nor would I ever be if I knew Jethro well enough.

When I finally made it to the edge, I reached up to one of the trees and extended my claws. The bark protested but broke easily underneath the sharp claws that dug through the exterior, down to the softer core.

I rubbed my shoulder against the tree before nuzzling it, sniffing the air and deeming it marked well enough. Jethro's scent was strong, stronger than mine in the area, but I didn't want to drown his scent in mine. 

I wanted to meld them together.

A low purr started from deep in my belly as I stepped through the woods, feeling the leaves crunch underneath my paws. A few birds were chirping, their song bouncing off of the trees, providing echoes that bounced back and showed me what the forest looked like.

My ears twitched at the shrill sound but I was grateful for the view. Even if I was blind on one side, for some reason my mind seemed to be able to see somewhat, as if the sounds and scents were being transformed into sight.

Sounds in the distance drew my attention, my gait quickening as I quietly stalked through the woods. Stepping over a rotting log, my eyes landed on a small group of wolves sniffing along the edge of the territory, ears pinned back and tails tucked in.

One of them seemed to be pretty high ranking, shuffling his weight nervously as he held a small package in his hands while snarling at the other wolves. He seemed to be hesitant to approach the borders though and kept talking to the other wolves, as if trying to convince them to do it in his place.

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