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You know that feeling, when everything seems to just fall apart online, well that happened to me I stare at home as I watch all my so called friends insult me.

'You fucking slut' or 'you just sleep with everything that moves and breathes' I sigh and turn delete the app and shut my phone off, looking up sigh blink back tears as I've just all my friends and online boyfriend.

You see I'm not like very daddy's little girl my daddy or should I say my boss doesn't exactly see me as his daughter, mum went off with her Boyfriend to get married leaving me with dad.

Being the daughter of a hit man isn't easy especially when your the only heir to the family business, grandpas dad was hitman and so was grandpa now dad and finally me.

I look out the window from my room on the top floor of the skyscraper, yep you heard me a skyscraper over protective dad gone to the next level you'd think right?

But truth be told his keeping me to just do his dirty work then take the money that I have earned by doing his job, standing up I look towards my door longingly hoping that maybe I was able to get out just for one night, an just let loose and get waisted maybe even loose my virginity if I'm lucky.

I've only ever had relationship online and that didn't end well due to people thinking I'm whore and just playing with peoples feelings, I walk over to the door and turn the door bob I practically freeze as it isn't locked like usual.

Could this be a trick or did dad forget to lock like every night he does, no his deliberately done this to test me to see if I'll leave or not but what if it wasn't.

Putting on dark blue jeans and a grey and white tank top, I grab my shoes in one hand and my purse in the other carefully putting my shoes on I open the door and slip out of my room, looking left and right down the long hall with red carpet and blue an white walls, I breathe out a sigh of relief seeing that no one was there.

I then take off running bot making a sound due to my training and of course I have a small hand gun and paper spray with me, I may have had special training g to become a hitman but I can still be over powered by guys that are around 6'5 or 6'7.

I'm only 5'9 and still slowly growing including the chest area, I make it the elevator and press the button I nervously shift on my feet as I wait for it get to my level, with the ding of the elevator I was in and rapidly press the button for ground floor.

The elevator goes painfully slow and the only sound is the annoying music, look myself in the mirror and cringe yep I looked like shit the shit kinda look when you haven't gotten enough sleep for the past few nights.

I attempt to make myself look little better by running my fingers through my long black hair as my green eyes seem to pop to me, I've got dads looks and mums small and slim frame.

Giving myself a once over, I still looked like shit but no would being playing close attention to my looks as planed on going to the night club just down the road, god I wished I still had my child hood friend Bailey with me right now should be able to fix me up.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to see again, the elevators painfully slow ride to the ground floor had finally finished the doors had opened and I was already out and running to the main exit of the building.

Leaving the building I ran down the street to the nightclub, making way over two hulking guys that were obviously the body guards to the club as they only wore black.

They clearly were towering over me as they both roughly around 6'4 each with a build of a house, I look up at them and they instantly knew I was.

"Have fun Abby" they said In union I give a faint nod as they move apart to let me in.

The smell of alcohol and sweat instantly hit me, while body's were sexually grinding against each other to the beat of the music.

I went straight to the bar getting myself a drink, take the shot of vodka I downed and shivered as it burned slightly I put the glass down ordering another.

"Well hello sexy" an arm wrapped it's self around my shoulders, followed by the smell of alcohol and smoke cringing I pulled the arm off me and stood up only to have the person wrap his arms around my waist.

The guy was my heigh maybe a little shorter, I rolled my eyes in disgust as he tried to lean in and steal a kiss from me "not happening buddy" and with that I pushed my hand into his face then kneeing him in the balls.

He cried out in pain and collapsed on his knees to bad the blaring of the music drowned it all out, I grab the guys collar and push him towards to girls making out.

The girls gladly invited him in for kisses and soon disappeared to god knows where, I turn back to my awaiting drink and took the shot only to have the feeling of someone watching me.

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Word count: 961
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