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Feel free to skip chapter this chapter will involve rape you won't miss anything I do apologise fo those who have actually had sexual abuse from family members so I recommend to skip this thank you
My hands are cuffed with silver chains that sting like a bitch for some reason, a chain is then connected to the silver cuffs and I am pulled up with the hands above my head.
Groan I am raised higher till I have to stand on the tips of my toes, the sinister laugh of my father makes me sick to the core. "Oh baby girl daddy's going to need to up His punishments to suit your age, you have made such a fine woman taking after all your mothers curves" I flinch as he rips the remaining clothing off me leaving me in only my panties.

"Wh-what do you mean?" My body shakes as his disgusting greasy hands travel from my hips, up my sides inching towards my breasts. My eyes widen as realisation dawns upon me, suitable to my age my body tense and I being thrash around. "Get away from me! Don't you dare touch me, you ruined my life don't take away the only thing I have left away!"

"Oh but princess don't you realise I'm doing this out of love" his hands leave my body but soon the fiddling of his belt is heard , the world seems to slow down as he undoes his button, than the sound of his zip being zipped down feels the room. The pants fall and pool around his feet stepping out of his pants his belt still in hand. "My little princess please understand that I'm doing this for you too learn from not listening to me"

A harsh slap sound feels the room as I let out a cry of pain as the buckle of the belt came down hitting my back hard, again and again he repeated the same action over and over again, never lightening up it just wouldn't stop he didn't even stop when back began to bleed the red substance went down my back and legs, it then dried and stayed on my body.

The beating of the belt buckle stopped only to have the leather of the belt come down on my ass that wasn't protected by the small thin fabric of my panties, I let my tears spill as the hits got harder and harder the beating of my ass became numb he finally stopped. Dropping  the belt he made his way over to me I didn't feel his hands on me as he began to rub my bruising ass calmly.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear "Scream our for help and I'll make you wish you were dead by letting my men take turns with" i stiffened and just let him to continue to touch me his hands roamed my body, he quickly ripped away the last piece of clothing I had left.

His left hand found its way too my left breast and began to roughly fondle it, pinching and pulling I let out a whimper "please don't do this" I begged but he was having non of that as his hand clamped down on my mouth and his right hand made its way to the inside of my thigh I squirmed but my attempts failed as he forced a knee between my legs and his hand found my pussy.

"Just let it happen baby...this is how I made you and your mother loved it so be a good girl and enjoy it like the beautiful slut you'll become" i cry out into his hand, the intrusion of his first finger made its way inside me slowly and roughly pumping inside me, I whimper letting my tears at last spill and roll down my cheeks his second finger joined in making eyes widen then a third. I cried and begged him to stop all my begging and pleas came out failed due to the hand over my mouth.

He pulled away only for second to take his boxes off, he circled around me making sure I saw his erected member I looked at him in fear as he grabbed both my legs and held them to his hips, moving a little he lined himself up. "You ready baby girl?"

"N-no" my voice came out weak and strained, he just cooed and gave me his most evil smirk in the world just like a psychopath would just as His about to kill you "Well too bad!" He plunged himself deep inside me I screamed and cried as he began to thrust inside me, never daring to call out. For help he has his way with me.

The thrusting of his member continues going faster and harder, I squeeze my eyes shut as tears run down my cheeks I hate this feeling the feeling of you losing the only thing that you wanted to give to the love of you life suddenly taken away from you it just breaks you.

"Ahhh baby girl your so tight" he thrusts a few more times before releasing himself all over me my body goes limp as I just hang there looking pathetic, I look down at the ground my eyes becoming blank of emotion. The man walks behind me picking up the blunt knife once again.

"Just one final touch and then you can sleep" she grins and begins to dig the knife into my back slowly craving out the letters of D-A-D-D-Y-S I groan in pain as he made the letter permanently carved into me he continues his letter cravings L-I-T-T-L-E
I squeeze my eyes shut this time clenching my hands tightly my vision beginning to fade in and out of focus. Finally the last letters are curved into my back that would remain with me for life S-L-U-T

"There you go baby" he shows me his work of art with the bloodied words curved into me, daddy's little slut.



Word count: 1026

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